Chapter 19

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Tobias's PoV

I brush my teeth and put on some clothes. The television is on showing two dozens of people in a cage. I go to the kitchen to find Evelyn and Tris eating breakfast.

"Good morning." Tris says as I sit down beside her.

"What happened with the GDs?" I ask as I start on my egg.

"They caught twenty eight of them. The news says that the military has rounded up the last ones." Evelyn explains.


After breakfast, I help Evelyn with the dishes. Tris goes to watch the news. When we're almost done, Tris yells from the living room.

"They lifted the curfew."

Both of us dash to the television. "The citizens are free to get back to their normal schedules." The reporter is saying.

Then they show a video of shackled GDs. I see Bobby among the faces and smile a little. He deserves it. The armed officers are herding them into a truck with iron bars.

"All of them will be taken to GD Bases far from the city. The government has promised a payment for the victims and their families while deeply apologizing for what had happened." A voice says in the background and the news comes to an end.

Tris smiles happily. "I'll go and change." She walks into her room.

I fall on to the sofa. That was very fast. I expected them to take at least two nights. Tris would have stayed here more. I shake my head. What am I even thinking?

"Can you give this to Tris?" Evelyn brings me back to the present. She's holding Tris's t-shirt. "Forgot to give it to her."

I take it and she goes to the kitchen to do the dishes. I go to her door and knock.

"Come in." She says and I go inside. "Oh, I was looking for it." She comes to me when I close the door behind.

She is still wearing Evelyn's top and her jeans. She puts her hand on the t-shirt and our hands touch. My heart starts to race for no reason. I stare at her. I am so close to her.

Tris catches me staring. I don't want her to look away and to my surprise, she doesn't. She stares into my eyes without a single hint of confusion. I try to look away but I can't.

I lean a little closer to her and she doesn't move. What am I doing? I try to stop, but in vain. Finally I give up.

I lift my hand and rest it on her soft cheek. She doesn't even flinch. I brush my thumb over her skin enjoying the touch. The next move is hers. She take a fist full of her t-shirt and throw it on the ground. Then she touches my hand gently.

I lean closer and this time so does Tris. Her mouth opens slightly as her breathing becomes heavy and uneven. I can't take it any longer.

I lean in closing the small gap between us. Our lips touch. Hers are soft and alert. I close my eyes sighing. She kisses me back as soon. I let my hand travel through her hair.

She collects the hem of my shirt in her hand and the other touches my nape. I tilt my head to the side deepening the kiss. I touch her cheek with my other hand. I open my mouth slightly breathing in her lips. She lets go of my shirt and wraps her arms around my neck. She does the same as she pulls me closer to her. I can feel her heart beat on mine. She sighs and her warm exhale touches my face.

My thoughts are a blur. I can't think straight, but one thing is clear: I don't want this to end.

Then she pulls away. Her eyes are still closed and our lips are still brushing each other. Both of us pant against each other. I take her face in my hands and she looks at me.

"Why?" She whispers through heavy breaths searching my eyes for something.

I kiss her again instead of answering. She doesn't hesitate. This time my lips are all over her. I am desperate for her. I kiss her upper lip and then her lower lip.

Suddenly a loud bang make the both of us snap back into reality. We jump apart. I turn around to see Frank standing near the door with wide eyes.

Frank stands there looking furious and storms off leaving a dumbstruck Evelyn behind. Tris looks uncertain. She looks back and forth between me and the door and dashes out after her boyfriend who just saw her kissing another man.

I've never really done something like this. Was I good at turning up the heat? Well, if it's bad, let me know and if it's good, let me know as well.

So... let me know your thoughts on this. Maybe some of you might guess the future, but keep it to yourself and don't ruin the fun :) (Is this fun? Ugh!) Ok, whatever!

Comment, vote, share and enjoy!

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