Chapter 22

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Tris's PoV

I bang the front door open to face Morgan and Harry waiting in the living room. Both of them walk to me with relieved faces. I try not to look miserable as much as possible. They don't need to be concerned because I broke up. The word sounds off in my head. It feels too strong to even think about.

"Oh, we were so worried." Harry says and both of them hug me.

"I'm fine. Four and Evelyn took good care of me." His name forms a lump in my throat which I quickly swallow.

"You look awful." She smooths my hair.

Damn it! I forgot smooth it out after I got in the car. My mind was too busy. I quickly flatten the messy hair cursing Four in my head.

"Just tired." I lie. "Last night was a long one." Both of them nod in agreement.

"I am so relieved when they caught the GDs before they reached where you were staying." She always avoided dragging Four into our conversations.

"Did they cross our street?" I ask.

"No." Harry says. "They skipped three streets around here and advanced to the next ones."

"Hungry?" Morgan asks.

"No." I say. "Just had breakfast." And few more brain wrecking incidents, I add in my head. "I am exhausted. Be here for lunch."

I walk upstairs with my composed face without waiting for an answer. I close the door of my room and sit down on the bad with my head in my hands. I kick my shoes off with my toes. I lay down on the bed on my side.

I just broke up with my boyfriend. Why am I not sad? I am just angry. I should be feeling depressed.

I am angry because Frank was suspecting me the whole time. He was one of the first people I loved truly. He was just like my family. How could he think that way? That I was cheating on him? That is something I would never do. I would never lie to him. If I liked Four, I would have found a way to tell Frank the truth somehow. That's me.

Finally after a long train of anger and sadness, my eye lids refuse to stay open. I give in and slip into sleep.

I wake up around noon starving. I decide to eat something before worrying further about my sudden breakup. I stumble downstairs rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

"What happened?" Morgan is waiting for me in the dining room with my lunch.

I think for a while before answering. "I just came back from Four's apartment." She doesn't stop staring at me. "What?" I demand sitting to start eating.

"I've known you for a very long time, Amy." She pushes the plate to me. "Something bad happened. Your face shows it."

I swallow my mouth full of potato before answering. "What do you mean?"

"Where is Frank?" Her question takes me by surprise. I flinch a little. "He went to pick you up, but he didn't drop you here."

"I felt like coming home in a taxi." I close my eyes regretting telling that lie.

"I know it's none of my business, but did you two fight?"

I exhale. There is no point in lying when she can see right through me. "A little." I'm not telling her anything more. I take another mouthful.

She is silent for a few minutes. "Is Four responsible for it?" She asks. That does it.

I let go of my spoon ignoring its crash on the plate. "What's with all of you?" I yell. "Why do you always think that he's a threat to me? He isn't the only person that could hospitalize me Morgan.

"He's the only person who know me for real. You don't know me as well as he does. You have no right to think that he was the reason for my break up!" I freeze. I said it. But I don't care. I stand up.

"Break up?" She looks hurt and confused.

"Yeah. Frank and I are no longer together." I reduce the sound.

I start to walk away. "Amy," her voice is small.

"I need some 'me time'." I mutter and dash out of the house anger boiling inside me.

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Just for a change...


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