Chapter 5

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Tobias's PoV

"Beatrice Prior." I tell her.

Tris is standing in front of me but she can't remember anything. Her parents, Caleb, Christina, Chicago, the factions and me. If she is telling the truth, all of it was not real, her body, the ashes. She was alive when I cried over her body.

Was that even her real body? And worst of all, does she have Memory Serum in her? If that is the reason she can't remember anything, she has no chance of recovering. She won't remember anything. She will be Amy forever, not Tris.

"What is the reason you can't remember?" I ask dreading the answer I guessed.

"A hard blow on the head." I sigh. "Now tell me about me." She is stubborn just like she was.

"You know the experiments to increase GP population?" She nods. "Both of us were in the experiment in Chicago."

Tris's PoV

Four tells me everything. We are sitting on the stands of the football field and he is explaining how I had taken my brother's place in the last minute and gone to release the Memory Serum instead.

It all sounds weird but realistic. I had lived in the experimental city of Chicago. It had had a faction based community. There had been five factions: Abnegation, Dauntless, Erudite, Amity and Candor. I had been in Abnegation and had switched to Dauntless when I was sixteen.

Four had been my instructor. I had a few friends there whose names I can't keep track of. There had been wars and rebels. Then all of us had found out that we were in an experiment. I had died-which didn't really happen-in the last struggle to wipe away the memories of the Bureau.

I had killed people who Four refuses to reveal. He says he will tell them later. Even if I don't remember them, I feel a tug of guilt in my stomach.

I also got explanations for my tattoos. The one with the ravens represented my family. Mother, father and my brother. The one on my left shoulder was the seal of Dauntless and the other on my right was the mark of my original faction, Abnegation.

Then my phone rings. I take it out and see it's Frank. I realize that I have forgotten him while I am busy with my background story.

"Hey." I answer as Four looks at me.

"Amy, where are you?" He asks in a concerned tone.

"I'm with Mr. Four." The name sounds odd with mister.

"What are you doing with him? It's been an hour."

"What?" I check my watch and see it is true.

"Get out of there and come to the gate. We should go home."

"Yeah. Sorry. I'll be there in a minute." I shut my phone and turn to Four.

"I have to go, sir. Frank's waiting."

"Okay." He smiles weakly. It is a shock to him as much as it is to me. "When are we meeting again?"

I think for a moment. "Tomorrow. Before school. Here? I want to know every little detail."

"Yeah, sure." He smiles. I get up to walk away. "No need to call me sir or mister when nobody is around. Four is good."

I nod and walk out of the field and to Frank who is waiting impatiently near the school gates.

He kisses me on lightly the lips. "You okay?"

I roll my eyes and nod. Frank and I are neighbors as well as classmates. We know each other since I was seventeen and we started dating six months ago. Frank is a nice person but is overprotective when it comes to a boyfriend.

I get in his car and head home. I tell him everything Four told me.

"What were the connections between you two?" He asks suspiciously.

I roll my eyes again. "Come on, Frank. He was my teacher. That was that. Maybe friend."

"Just friends?"

"Yeah. Chill."

"Are you sure you want to hang around him?"

"Give it a rest, Frank!" I nudge him with my elbow.

What do yall think about Tris's new life? Even I am getting excited. =D

Enjoy, vote and COMMENT! If not, whatever.

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