Chapter 24

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Tris's PoV

"Oh," is what she says when I relate my story.

"I gave it a thought on the way here." I had already finished two big glasses of water. "And I am very sure that I'm not going to patch up with Frank."

"Whatever you want." She shrugs. "But why didn't you tell Four to stop when he started to kiss you?"

I throw my arms up. "Told you, I don't know. It felt... right. I don't know how to face him tomorrow." I slump my shoulders and hide my face in my lap. I make a whining sound in my throat to show my helplessness.

She crawls to me and wraps her arms around me. "Well, my advice is: avoid the boys for a while. They forget things very quickly. Go talk to Four after a month and he will act like nothing happened."

"Hope it happens that way." I grumble into my legs.

"Okay, forget about boys." She leans away a little so she can express her excitement. "Tell me the GDs attacked somewhere near Four's apartment."

I lift my head up and roll my eyes. "Why are you so violent? Sometimes I feel like you aren't GP at all." She smiles and shrugs as both of us laugh together, forgetting my serious problems for a while.

Tobias's PoV

Next day, I try to find Tris alone but she's always with her friend. Frank doesn't seem to be around and I don't care. I just need a few minutes alone with her so can apologize properly.

Finally during the lunchbreak, I see her walking past the staffroom towards the girls' bathroom. I bolt up startling Suzanne that she almost falls off her chair. I take long steps out of the staffroom into the corridor.

I sidestep students and walk as fast as I can towards Tris who is a few feet in front of me. I shout her name but she doesn't hear anything over the noise. I decide to run ignoring the others.

I bump into people and get angry looks. I finally reach to her and put my hand on her shoulder. She turns around.

Her eyes widen in surprise. "Oh, hey Four."

"I just needed to apologize for yesterday." I say.

She looks uncertain and is that fear? "Yeah. Yeah. Yesterday." She thinks for a while. "Can you give me some time?"

I frown. "What do you mean?"

"I mean it's really hard to get over with. Gimme a few days will you?" She is avoiding my eyes the whole time and there is a hint of red on her cheek.

My frown turn into guilt. "Yeah, sure. Take your time." I sigh as she walks away a little too fast.

What have I done? She must be hating me for that. Am I going to lose her just like that? Why couldn't I stay away from her? It's definitely my fault. Who knows what she will do after 'getting over' the kiss. She will demand answers as a payment or worse, will something come back and will she fall into coma?

I rub my forehead and drag my legs back to the staffroom.

The next few days are torture. I have spent so much time with Tris that I miss her every single second. I keep myself from going after her only because she asked for some time.

Another five days and her 'some time' isn't still over. I see her walking to the school every day and wander what happened to Frank's car. That guy's also missing from her side. At least that's something. If they aren't together because of that day, I will be more than delighted.

She still doesn't meet me on Friday and the weekend. I literally have to hit myself on the head to keep away the urge to invade her house and ask if she is over everything.

Finally I can't keep it together after three weeks. I find her after school when Lydia is absent. She walks out of the building and I follow her out of the school grounds.

After a few minutes, when there aren't many students around, I speed up to catch up.

"Want a ride?" I ask offering the extra helmet.

She stops and consider it for a while. "No thanks. I'll walk." She says and start walking a little faster than before.

I catch up again. "Do you still need time?" I ask calmly as possible. These torture days are driving me crazy.

"Yes." She doesn't stop or look at me.

That's it. I kill my engine and run after her on foot. She keeps walking, almost jogging.

"Tris," she doesn't stop. "Tris," she starts to jog. "Tris," I jog to her and yank her around to face me. "Look I'm sorry. You can punish me all you want but not this. I hate it when you're not with me."

She yanks her arm free and I quickly let go. "I am not punishing you." She doesn't sound angry. She sounds scared.

"I swear such thing won't happen again." My voice strangely sounds like begging.

"Why are you so desperate? It doesn't suit you." She says.

"I am so sorry." I say. "But please don't avoid me. We can pretend that never happened."

She laughs. "Pretend it never happened? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. We can't pretend since both of us know it really happened. It will be really awkward if we do it that way."

"Then what?" I ask.

She thinks for a while. When she looks at me, I know what's coming next. "Do two things for me and we will be back to normal."

"Promise?" She nods. "What are they?" I ask frowning. This isn't going to be good.

"I need answers for everything." As expected. "And this-" Tris's lips crash on mine.

[Evil laugh]

Yes! Another... thing. Sorry that it's just 2 chapters, but what to do? Don't hate. (Bet there aren't anyone to even hate me. lol)


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