Chapter 17

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Tris's PoV

Four meets me in the parking lot. Even before he reaches me, I can tell how bad his eye is. He gets looks when he strides towards me and Frank.

Frank somehow wanted to see today. I am more than sure that is to see his injuries. His face hangs when he sees Four's only injury, the black eye.

But I know it isn't the only bruise. I know his stomach is the worst wounds he got from previous day's fight. I only go with the act because he insists on lying.

"You know you could get banished if you fight." Frank says loudly when he is in the earshot.

Four rolls his eyes. "They can't banish him." I say nudging Frank.

"Why what if he's GD?"

"What if I am GD?" Four asks as if he wanted to know.

"I don't care. GP or GD, you will be same to me as Frank is. Genes is a stupid fact to decide between friends and enemies."

Four stares at me for a while as if he is going to faint, but looks away.

"Are you GD?" Frank crosses his arms.

"Yeah." He says simply.

Frank's arms fall to his sides. "How come they let you stay here?" Four simply shrugs. Frank bends down and whispers, "better stay away from him."

"I'll meet you in class." I say instead. He gives me the overprotective-boyfriend look and walks away.

"Why did they really let you live here? Law is pretty strict here."

"Turned out I'm kinda half GP. So they excused me." I don't understand but I pretend like I do.

No matter what, I won't believe Four is GD. He doesn't deserve to be called damaged. Four isn't damaged. How can he be? He fought my fight and hiding his bruises just for my happiness. Four is purer than anyone I know. Maybe even more than Frank and my foster parents.

After he saved me from almost dying in the hands of a very muscular boxer, I find myself spending most of my free time with Four. Either in his apartment or simply with him. A few months ago, Frank's house had been my happy place, but now it was Four's small, old apartment.

"Nope." Four says for the hundredth time on Sunday evening after a few weeks.

"Oh come on, they're just photos." I am annoyed because he won't show photos from Chicago.

"Photos which can kill you." He says. He takes the remote control and turns the television off.

A half-eaten cake lays on the stool in front of the sofa as the movie finishes. It is a very old romantic comedy I forced Four to watch with me.

No one is in the apartment except for Four and I. Evelyn has gone to the store to buy some groceries in the middle of the movie. She hasn't returned yet.

"Then let's do something." I stand up.

"Oh, I'm not liking this." He leans back.

"You can chose two photos for me to see if you win."

"Which is none." He adds.

"Just two. Come on!"

"Okay fine, one."

I roll my eyes and groan. "Alright, one."

"What if you win?" He frowns.

"I get to see every photo you have."

"What's the race?" He's still frowning.

"A race to your room!" I dash for the door at the end of the corridor earning me a head start.

Four shots up and runs after me and passes me after a few feet. He reaches the door first and dashes inside closing the door behind. I try to open it but it's locked. I bang on the door.

"You lost!" He whoops from inside.

"And now you owe me a photo."

I can imagine him sighing. "Just one according to the deal."

Four sighs and gives the palm sized picture to me. "Don't be so desperate, Tris. It doesn't suit you at all."

I ignore him and flip the photo over to see me. Just me. I am younger. I am wearing full black. Dauntless clothes, I guess. My arms are crossed and I am smiling at the camera crookedly like I won something. The background is just black with dark walls and a dark door just visible behind me. There is no one in the frame except me.

"Of course you chose this photo." I throws it in his face and he catches it.

"Of course I did." He smirked.

There isn't any new 'surprises' in it, as Four says. Just sixteen year old me standing and smiling in a dark den.

Suddenly the door bangs open. Both our heads snap to the living room. Evelyn is back with nothing in her hands but the purse. She dashes to the television and turns it on. Both of us walks to the living room where she is still standing looking at the screen anxiously.

"What is it, Evelyn?" Four asks.

Whoo! That feel good. I like cliffhangers. Now I know why there are tons of cliffhangers in books. Only because they're fun to write. Alright kids, Bye!

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