Chapter 3

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Next Monday, I ride to the school in the clothes the school gave me. White tracks and jacket with blue stripes.

I walk to the gym before the bell rings and take a look at my timetable. I have a first year class. I stand there after the bell rang waiting for them to come. I have to make them do a sport called volleyball. I've never heard the name in my life so I had to search it up.

Finally the class arrives. A couple dozens of girls and boys wearing their gym clothes. I am used to greeting new students for the first time. A few girls eye me whispering among themselves. I ignore them.

I put on the usual instructor face. "I am your new gym teacher, Four." I say when they settle down. As expected, a murmur erupt from the class. I throw them a threatening look and all of them shut up.

"Is it like the number four?" A brown skinned boy asks. There's always one of them.

I walk to him. "Yes. Like the number four." I whisper dangerously. "You have a problem with that?"

He shakes his head terrified. It always works. I smile to myself.

"Run three rounds around the gym, warm up and start playing volleyball." I blow my plastic whistle and all of them start running.

I boss around until they warm up and a few students recover from their fear.

"How old are you, sir?" A jumpy girl asks and the whole class breaks down to giggles.

"How does it matter to you?" I ask in a cold tone.

She hesitates but recovers. "You can't treat the students like that. I'll complain to the principle."

I can't lose the job but I am not going to do what they say either. "Sure, I can. If you want, go ahead and complain. Now go take a ball." I yell and she flinches before obeying me.

The first few periods pass just like that and I am walking to the staff room when I dismiss the last class after the bell ring for the lunchbreak. I isolate myself in the corner as I am used to. Other teachers don't try to talk to me except for the Chemistry teacher, Suzanne. She tries to know my real name and age and when I object, she sits next to me. She starts blabbering which strangely sounds like flirting.

The rest of the day drags by against my liking. When I got the job, I knew it won't be my favorite. I always enjoy exciting work and making teens play dodge ball isn't one of them.

I go home and Evelyn is making dinner the small kitchen.

"How was the first day, Tobias?" She asks without looking up from the curry she is stirring.

I groan. "Boring."

She chuckles softly. "Dauntless tastes." She mutters. "You'll get used to it. Who knows? You'll find someone." The last statement isn't cheerful as the rest.

She always wants me to get over Tris, but it's harder said than done. I eat dinner with her and go to bed after stepping in to a sweat pant.

Two days and I am greeting my last class on Wednesday. It is a group of last years, only two years younger than me.

Just like usual, my name takes them by surprise and I act all tough and dangerous.

During the class, a boy walks up to me. "I'm Frank. Are you from one of the Bureau experiment cities?" He asks surprising me.

"Go play the match." I avoid the question.

"You don't need to hide it." His stance becomes more certain. "My parents are from one of them. I was born in New York experiment but I can't remember anything. The tests stopped when I was two after almost ninety percent of us were GP."

I look at the boy for the first time. He has a fit body. His hair is black and spiky with his electric blue eyes standing out. He would have been in Candor because he isn't afraid to speak up.

I scold myself for bringing that up again. I am trying to forget the painful past without success. I always put people in the factions when I meet them. It is bad habit I have picked up after living in a faction based society for almost twenty years.

I don't let my guard down. "Do what I told you. I am very sure that doesn't include chatting with me." He sighs and moves on to the bench while twelve of the class played volleyball.

Another week of making students run around the gym. On the next Wednesday, I was ready to greet my last class-Frank's class. I never forget names and I hate remembering his name.

After a few minutes, the class walks in as usual in their gym clothes. I hear their footsteps come to a halt and I look up. My eyes stop on Frank's face and flicker to the girl standing next to him.

My eyes widen. My heart stops and I forget how to breathe. I stay frozen there for a long minute gaping at the girl before me. I never imagine things and I never will. I learned the difference between real and fake first hand. I am not hallucinating. The girl before me is real as the rest of the class.

Another chapter for yall. How do you like P.E. teacher Four so far? ;)

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