Chapter 11

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Tris's PoV

"Did you know how I felt when I woke up in the hospital two years ago?" He doesn't answer so I continue. "I was blank. Nothing. I couldn't remember anything. I was scared.

"I dreamt things at night after the surgery but when I woke up, I couldn't remember a single thing. Every night I try to hang on to one detail so that I could remember it. But I only woke back up with the emptiness in my brain.

"Can you imagine living like that? Not knowing your name, age, parents, home. Simply everything about your life. I even thought of committing suicide." Four stiffens a little. I ignore him. "What is the point of living a life when you don't know anything about it? But I didn't. At least I had a life. I decided to start it afresh.

"When the doctors gave me to an orphanage, Morgan and Harry agreed to adopt me. They gave me a name, a family and a place to call home. I owe them for the rest my life.

"How can a person be happy without knowing about himself? I agree that there are things all of them want to forget. But one day, when they do, they would regret forgetting them. Every memory in our lives are important. I learned it the hard way.

"Doesn't everyone in this world have the right to know about their lives? Why not me?" I shrug. "I am used to it now, but it's still unfair. But when I met you, when you called me by my real name, I was happy for real after two years. Even when you're refusing to tell me more, I feel like I belong somewhere. Somewhere even if it no longer exists. I also had a home like the rest. But I know I am not the person you knew before and I'm sorry for that."

Then Four does something I don't expect. He touches my hand. "You don't have to say that. No matter how much you forget, you'll always be the Tris I know. The Tris who is selfless enough take a bullet for a stranger. The Tris who is brave enough to face everything head first. You'll always be that Tris for me."

I smile and let our hands grip each other for a minute. Then I shrug it off. "Drive properly." He shakes as he chuckles and he places his hand on the handle.

He turns into my street and come to a halt in front of the house. I get off and give his helmet back.

His face is expressionless. "I shouldn't have told you the stupid stuff." I mutter.

He looks at me without smiling. "It's okay. I am your friend. I have to know what happened to you."

I put my hands in my pockets. "I have a question. You don't have to answer to it."

"Go ahead." He nods.

"Were we just friends back in Chicago?" I ask. It's a strange feeling. Like 'just friends' badge doesn't suit us. I don't know if I am starting to like him. But when he tells me we are friends, it doesn't sound right.

He thinks before he answers. I can't read his face because he is composing his face excellently. "Yes. What made you ask that question?"

I decide to lie. "Frank was curious the other day."

Four's jaws clench. "Do me a favor and don't talk about him. He's an annoying brat."

"Hey!" I throw him a look.

He lifts his hands in surrender. "Okay he isn't an annoying brat."

"Bye then." I wave and walk to the house. I hear him mutter something about Frank being worse than an annoying brat but I ignore it. He waits till I get inside and drives away.

Tobias's PoV

I lay on my bed and stare at the white slab. Everything Tris told me while we were heading back to her house are imprinted in my head like a tattoo.

She's been through a lot. She craves to know about her but I wanted to forget everything two years ago. She said that every memory is important. That is the reason I decided not to take the Memory Serum-to remember the best moments. What is the point of living a life without remembering the most precious thing I've ever had?

Then the question Tris asked just before she went home pops in my mind. It took all my strength to lie to her. Not to tell her that I love her more than anything in the world. She was so close to me but yet so far.

"We were more than friends. I love you, Six." I whisper as I drift off to sleep.

The two of us become closer. We go out once in a while at night and I drop Tris to her house a couple of times a week after school.

She introduces me to her family. Harry is warm and happy to see me but Morgan is always the opposite. I understand her motherly instinct to protect her daughter from a very young P.E. teacher who knows about her than she does.

We accidently bumped into Evelyn once and I had to tell her everything about the Amnesia. Evelyn managed the situation better than I thought. She didn't bring up anything but incidents happened during these two years.

When Tris tried to persuade Evelyn to tell her about Chicago, she cleverly distracted her from the subject.

That is the only time Tris met Evelyn. I try to keep her away from her past. Especially Christina. Luckily, she lives on the other side of the city. If she gets to know about Tris, she won't leave her until she falls into a seven year coma.

Skip this part if don't wanna read :-

Tbh, now I'm not sure if I should keep updating. Now I'm realizing how boring this story is. I'll keep this up for a month and decide whether this book is worth publishing. Am I being clingy?? Hope I'm not. 89 views are awesome, but *shrugs* idk. I'm very insecure these days. I know people are busy reading better books, so I'm tryna improve my writing. This is my 1st fanfic and I wrote it when I was 13. Kinda my 2nd book. Please do let me know if I should keep this up. :'(

Well, I wrote a whole paragraph about my doubts, but 99.9% sure no one survived this far to read it. But nvm. Feels good to let everything out someway. Thx for all the votes, reads and comments.

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