Chapter 4

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I walk towards my notepad and check the name list without blinking. The trance refused to go away. I can't feel my breaths or my body. Her name isn't in there. I turn back towards the class ignoring their confused looks. I can't take my eyes off the blond.

She stares back as if she saw me for the first time. Both of us stay like that for a long time. I want to say her name but the only thing that comes from my mouth is a gurgling sound.

"Sir!" Someone drags me into my senses.

I snap up and greets the class. While they warm up, I wait for her to notice me. But she doesn't give a second look.

I feel hurt because of her ignorance. Is she angry with me? But why? I expected her to run into my arms. It has been two years since we last saw each other, since she was officially dead. But here she is healthy as a horse running smoothly without effort around the gym.

I don't talk to her with the rest of the class watching. So I wait until the bell rings. When she is standing right before me, the bell refuses to ring sooner. I want time to go faster so we'll be alone. After a millennium, the bell rings and class is dismissed as quickly as possible.

When they turn to go away, I call out to her. "Tris."

Tris's PoV

I hear Four calling someone by a name I have never heard again and again. I ignore him and keep walking towards the gym doors after Frank.

"You, the blond!" Four shouts again and I get a feeling that he is calling to me.

I stop and turn. He is standing there looking hurt. Frank notices I am not following him and stops too.

"Can I have a word with you?" Four's voice cracks at the end.

I point at my chest and raises my eyebrows. "Me?" He nods.

I walk to him and he looks past me. "Not you." He says in his dangerous tone.

I turn to see Frank following me. "I'll wait near the gate." He touches my hand and walks away.

I walk to Four. "Why?"

"Tris," he says the same name again in the unfamiliar hurt in his tone. He looks like a kicked puppy.

"What?" I ask but instead of answering, he hugs me.

I stay stiff against his strong embrace and try to push him away. He leaves me as soon as I am struggling against him.

"Tris," he looks like he would have cried if he wasn't shocked this much.

"Stop calling me that!" I take a step back and yell. I am angry because he behaved like that.

"But, -"

"I'm not Tris. I'm Amy! You are my P.E. teacher and I am your student. We don't know each other."

"What happened...? Amy?" He isn't a fan of my real name.

"What do you mean what happened?"

"Chicago. Bureau. You went to the room instead of Caleb. You were... dead." He chocks out the last word as if someone has stabbed him.

"What Chicago, Bureau? I don't know a Caleb. And I am not dead." He stares at me sadly opening his mouth and closing it again. He is trying to form something but can't.

Then something hits me. He can be one of the people I knew before. My eyes widen and I look up at his blue eyes.

"Are you someone from my old life?" I ask even if it don't make sense.

"What?" He asks confused.

"I was found floating on the river with two bullets in me. They saved my life but I didn't remember anything about me or my life. Not even my name." The confusion on his face remains but more sadness appears. I ignore him and continue. "So they found a family who liked to adopt me. I am living with them now."

"But I saw your body." He mutters to himself.

"Enough about me being dead." I snap eager to know more. "Who am I?"

"Beatrice Prior." He answers in a whisper.

Boo! Look who's baaaack!

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