Chapter 8

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Tobias's PoV

I distract myself from Tris with school, Christina and part time jobs. But I worry for her health every single day. I don't tell anything to Evelyn. I don't want her knowing all this mess. I just tell her that we are meeting and talking and I am trying to bring her memory back.

Knowing that she is alright is a good thing but days drag because I am waiting for her to come to school. I want to her to see her so bad. She's taken from me for two years and now I finally find her but mess everything up because of my impatience. I promise myself not to tell her anything about the past. Not even about the two of us.

Next Monday, I am climbing down from my bike when Tris walks up to me.

"Good morning." She smiles brightly as if nothing happened.

"Look, I-"

"It's okay. None of it was your fault." She interrupts my apology.

"But you were in the hospital for two days, Tr-Amy."

"I asked you to tell me all of it." She smiles again. "You didn't force me to hear them. It was my choice and I want to know more."

"But Amy," I keep reminding myself her name. "Your mother said that you could end up in a coma."

"It's my choice." She crosses her arms.

"Don't be stubborn. Coma is a very dangerous thing. You'll be as unmoving as a..." I inhale refusing to finish the sentence. "And I don't want to see you like that again." Her lifeless body back in Chicago comes to my mind but I shake it away.

Her expression softens. "Okay, don't tell me anything. Happy?"

I smile weakly. "You hardly give up. What made you do it?"

"You were giving me puppy eyes." She chuckles and so do I. "And call me Tris. It's okay. It's my real name anyway." She inhales. "It's good to know that I have a history of eighteen years. Not just two and a half years." I smile but feel a hollowness in me.

We exchange our numbers and plan to hang out next week. She tells me to pick her up at her place in the evening.

I tell Evelyn that I am visiting Christina and drives to Tris's house. I knock on the door and step back.

Harry opens the door and smiles coldly. I return it awkwardly and ask for Tris.

After a few moments, she comes out after Frank. He is literally fuming. He growls at me and I return him a smile.

"Ready?" I ask Tris ignoring the looks of her parents and whatever Frank is.

"Yeah." She smiles.

She's wearing a black tank top, jeans and a jacket. Her tattoo is uncovered and beautiful on her skin. She has a small bag swung over her shoulder.

She turns to Frank. "You sure you don't wanna come?"

Suddenly out of nowhere, Frank kisses Tris. She's taken by surprise with her eyes wide in confusion. My hands ball into fists and I clench my jaw. I am controlling myself for Tris's sake. I don't take my eyes off them until he decides to pull away.

"God! Frank," she exclaims. "I'm not going off to war."

He ignores the statement. "Sorry." He smiles at her. "I would have come if I didn't have work in the Media Unit." He scowls at me spitting the words out.

I can't help but smile at his anger. He must hate the Media Unit like he had never hated in his life.

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