Chapter 23

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Tris's PoV

I run down the pavement towards Lydia's house. It is four sectors away, but I am happy to bear the exhaustion. She is only person who know about Four except Frank and Morgan and Harry. I run in full speed.

I am sweating when I pass the first sector even if it's November. I am still wearing Evelyn shirt and I feel like taking it off, but I don't have any other clothes with me. I forgot my t-shirt there in their extra bedroom.

While I am running, my mind wanders into the brief kiss of me and Four. I was taken by surprise, but I didn't want him to stop. I felt like there was nothing wrong doing it. It was that simple fact that led me to kiss him back.

Why did I feel that way? I've only known him for two months even though he had known me more. How can I trust such a stranger? What if he really is a stranger who is pretending to be someone I know? But some part of my brain refuses to put it that way.

When we broke apart for the first time, I was confused just like I am now. I wanted to tell him to stay away from me, but the words wouldn't come out. My whole body refused to obey me.

When I looked into his eyes, I saw hurt. Hurt of a kicked puppy. He was about to break into tears. Why should he feel anything? I am the one who need to be feeling angry and sad and confused. But among all this, all I did was kiss him back.

I don't know myself properly. I remember me from only two years. What was I like before? I know I am stubborn, brave and not very selfish, but those can never explain the true me.

I come to a stop in front of Lydia's house panting like a rabid dog. I lean on my knees for a while catching my breath. I gulp long bags of air for a few minutes and walk to the door to knock.

Lydia's father, David opens the door. He smiles. Then it transform into confusion when he sees my panting, sweaty self.

"Are you okay, Amy?" He asks in his rough voice.

"Yeah." I pant. "Is Lydia home?" I ask.

"Yes, she's in her room."

"Thank you." I walk in without asking for permission. Her family is used to me doing that.

"Do you need anything?" David asks from the door.

"Some water would be good." I call back. I walk to her room which is right next to the kitchen.

I open the door without a knock to see Lydia and her little brother, Festus. She is helping with him with his homework.

She jumps a little when she sees me. "Oh, hey." She remarks in a confused tone. "Did you run?" She asks throwing me a towel to wipe away my sweat.

"I need to tell you something. I think my head will explode if I don't share it."

She turns to her brother. "You understand it now?" He nods his small head. "Then go to your room and finish it." He gets up without a word and walks out of the room giving me a huge grin.

I pat him on the head lightly and sit down next to Lydia. "Start talking." She says.

Next chap in a few! :)

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