Chapter 18

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Tris's PoV

"We advise the citizens to remain in their residences and make sure all your loved ones are home, safe from these people." A man in formal suit is saying in the television studio. "Here's that news again.

"A group of thirty three GDs are gone rogue in the city. They are moving through the city without a proper direction or organization. This group is attacking whoever that comes near them. Four deaths and eleven injuries are reported since the last two hours.

"The report says that it started with three people and had increased to thirty three. Authorities have placed a full-city curfew until all the culprits are caught and safely transported to GD Bases. The military will be fully aware during this havoc protecting residences and pedestrians. Any law breakers will be punished.

"We advise the citizens to remain in their residences and make sure all your loved ones are home, safe from these people. Have a safe day. I am Bradly Denser signing off."

Then the news studio disappears and a CCTV footage starts to play. A dozen people with poles and dangerous looking things are running after a woman.

Some stop midway to crash a few cars parked on the side of the road. The woman is caught and five of them round her up. She falls to her knees putting her hands together and crying. The sound isn't clear but I am sure she is begging for her life.

But they advance on her and start beating her with their make-shift weapons. They don't stop until the woman goes limp. One of them kicks her but she doesn't move. All of them leave the dead body and start walking to different directions.

Suddenly out of nowhere, a man approaches the camera and hits it with a car bumper. The screen flickers and goes black while the subtitles read, STAY SAFE, DO NOT PANICK.

"Wasn't that Bobby?" Four speak first after a very long pause.

I remember the face who broke the camera. "Yeah." All three of us are standing in front of the screen with wide eyes.

Four is the first to snap out of it. "Bet you will be staying the night here." I look out the window to see the setting sun.

My phone start to ring. I take it out and answer without checking who it is.


"Amy! Are you okay? Are you inside? Did you go out?" Frank shots questions at me.

"Whoa, whoa, Frank," I have to yell over panicked voice. "I'm fine. I'm at Four's."

"Oh good." He sighs. "I'll come pick you up as soon as curfew lifts."

"It won't be soon. There are almost forty rogues. I may have to spend the night here."

"Alone? With Four?" He sounds concerned now.

I hold back a chuckle. "No, his mother is here."

"Yeah. Alright. If-"

"Okay, bye." I cut the line before he asks more questions.

Tobias's PoV

Evelyn and I ready the vacant room for Tris. It only has a bed and a nightstand. One of my sheets covers the unused mattress and I replace the broken bulb with a new one.

The deaths increase from ten to thirteen by seven. They report the places the GDs are spotted from hour to hour and it looks like they're heading our way.

Evelyn lends a pair of pants to Tris when she needs to freshen up. All of us eat supper and get ready to go to bed.

"Aren't you bothered at all?" Tris asks when she's in the doorway of her room.

"No. Why?"

"A group of crazy people is running rampaging and killing everyone. Aren't you shocked at all?"

I smile grimly. "I've seen worse. I'm sure they'll be caught soon. The government is pretty fast on everything. They have all the solutions."

"Yeah. I hope they are contained soon. People are dying." She sighs. Always selfless, I think. "Good night."

"Night." Both of us go into our rooms.

I lay on my bed. I have seen worse wars that this seems like a children's quarrel. Tris would feel the same way if she remembered. How the government thought using us to breed GPs. It always has solutions. I drift off with those thoughts.

I dream that night. I see me and Tris. Both of us are young. I am eighteen and she's sixteen. We're on her sunset building watching the sunset. She is cuddled against me and I am breathing in her hair. We talk about our past, but only about good things. Like the day I first saw her, capture the flag, our first kiss and everything we can remember.

I whisper 'I love you' whenever she calls me by my real name. I want this dream not to end. But as always, I wake up with a sad smile on my face. When will it come true?

So... how's the story so far? Is it going too fast? Let me know. Uh, do yall think other characters should have more attention? Like you know the others! But the most important question:

Is this story boring?

That's what I feel like. Just tell me so I can edit it a little for you. :) If it's good, keep reading! <3


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