3| Downward Spiral

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You've seen dead bodies before; who hasn't? Funerals, the news, they're everywhere.

But never like that. You've seen dead people, but you've never seen someone die. Alive one second and dead the next. 

You never seen a killer look so calm about ending someone's life.

Was he even Hyped? The red-haired kid, who the crowd called Shinimi, looked far from insane. Well, he didn't look delirious, but who knows. He could've been drugged, but you doubt it.

His eyes were a cold, emotionless black.

You don't know why you remember that detail specifically, but the way they glazed over the blond boy's body like it was nothing still gives you the chills.

You're back home now, Hiroto trying too hard to distract you from the killing you just witnessed.

For once, the cramped apartment feels safer than the horrors of outside.

"You know what?" Hiroto says, holding the box of the new cereal he bought, "It might actually be pretty good."

"It looks gross to me," you sigh, "but go ahead."

It's an all green box, with a picture of Deku's face on it. It reads 'Plus Ultra Taste!' and claims to have healthy ingredients inside. A bowl is pictured on the front with little Deku-shaped cereal pieces.

Hiroto frowns, sensing his attempt to cheer you up failed. He pops open the box, grabs a bowl, and pours the cereal in.

You can't help but laugh at the sight of the 'healthy ingredients'...broccoli  accompanies the Deku-shapes, and Hiroto grimaces.

"Broccoli?" He says, "Broccoli?"

"Well, at least it didn't lie about having healthy ingredients," you laugh, "you promised you'd eat it if I bought it, Hiroto."

He scrunches up his nose, but pours milk into the cereal anyways.

"Seriously? Are they making fun of the guy's hair or something? Surely they didn't think broccoli would taste good."

"Go on," you giggle, "eat it, Hiro."

He takes a spoon and puts it in the bowl, scooping up some soggy broccoli and placing it in  his mouth. You expect him to spit it out, but he hums. "You know, it's actually not that bad. What, you don't believe me?"

He sticks out his tongue, showing you the chomped-up broccoli pieces.

"You. Are. Disgusting," you say, completely forgetting about the Shinimi kid. Hiroto smiles, victorious.

While he thinks you're not watching, he spits it out.

You smirk.

You remember the headlines from before, switching on the small TV to the news channel. Of course, it's all anyone's talking about. A pretty blonde girl is holding a microphone, staring intensely into the camera.

"The Symbol of Peace, Deku, was saved by a fellow hero," she explains, gesturing to the hospital behind her, "He's now unconscious, being cared for in--"

"Hiroto," you say, calling him over, "isn't that the hospital a few blocks from here?"

He nods. "Looks like it."

"Why would they put the number-one hero in such a shitty place?" You question. "And why aren't they saying who saved the guy? Normally they'd get a bunch of clout, and maybe even an interview, but something seems off."

Your brother shrugs. "Don't ask me. I'm not a nerd like you."

You roll your eyes. "Ha ha. Hilarious."

You switch off the TV, cutting off the blonde's stammering about the injured hero. The hospital looked swarmed with people when it was showed on the TV, which, again, makes you wonder. Why would they place Deku in that specific hospital, much less disclose his location to the public? They're just asking for attention.

Maybe they're just stupid, but since other heroes normally bring their coworkers to the hospital, you kind of doubt it.

You recall the case from about a year ago, when a hero called Uravity injured her ankle. Deku was nearby, and he rushed her to a hospital. Other similar cases have occurred, like one where Chargebolt was hurt. Once the press found out that Red Riot was the one to bring him to the hospital, they were on him like moths on a lamp, and he was interviewed countless times.

Ever since All Might died ten years ago, the media wants more from heroes. Interview piled upon interview, merchandise, and even cereals. Each year heroes become more ceremonial than anything else. They've gotten lazy.

Now you could definitely name a few that have lived up to their name and done their jobs, but some heroes have fallen victim to the fame.

And now, the world is coming apart, falling in a downward spiral. 

You don't even want to think about what the future could be like if things continue like this.

And that's why you think there's something more going on; but the question is, what could it be?

You sigh, running your hands through your hair and turning to your brother. "I think I'm just gonna go to bed. I have to go to work early tomorrow, anyways."

Hiroto nods, yawning himself. "'Night."


You go to your room, and plop down on your bed. It creaks beneath your weight, as if complaining that you've been eating too much. The thin sheets scratch at your legs.

You turn over, enveloping yourself in the worn out blanket, mind already wandering to what could be waiting for you tomorrow.

What in the world does Suzuki want? 

Your thoughts drift between theories before you fall asleep to the sound of Hiroto humming to himself next door. Even though he sleeps on the couch, which is definitely more comfortable then the creaky bed, he always takes longer to fall asleep.

"See you in the morning," you say, knowing he can hear you through the thin walls.

"See ya," he replies softly. 

You close your eyes.

And that night, you dream. You dream of what most considered the end of the world, the worst day of their lives.

That night, you dream of the day All Might died.

【𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 • 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑】Where stories live. Discover now