42| The Manliest Hero

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"So," Red Riot—Kirishima—says, "first you go to the hospital. Everyone thinks you're dead. Then I find you by a dead teenager in a burning building. Then I find you making out with some girl in an alley."

You shuffle your feet, face flared red as Shinimi and Kirishima stare at you and Midoriya.

Midoriya only shrugs, and Kirishima's face breaks out into a smile.

"Well, well, Midoriya!" The pro-hero laughs, "You've changed a lot since the last time we met! You've got game now, don't you?"

Midoriya blushes. "I-I've always had game!"

As you look at them both, you remember what Midoriya had told you forever ago.

"I broke Kacchan's leg, while Uraraka and Kirishima watched."

Is that the last time they saw each other?

Despite that, Red Riot doesn't look mad at all. He looks relieved. Glad his friend is alive.

"I knew you weren't dead. I couldn't believe it," Kirishima mutters, still smiling, "you'd never die on us. You were always so manly."

"Th-Thank you."

That must be a big compliment coming from Kirishima, you think to yourself, examining Midoriya's face. He looks . . . happy.

Shinimi, who's sitting beside you, still stares at you, like he has been since Red Riot caught you and Midoriya kissing in the alley.

"So," he hums while the two heroes catch up, "was that your first time lockin' lips with our dear Midoriya?"

You smack him on the arm, your cheeks heating up. "O-Of course! Do you think we just make out all the time? I've never kissed him before!"

"The way you two used to bicker like an old married couple made me assume so," Shinimi cackles, "I always thought I was the third-wheel."

You're quiet, taking deep breaths to ease your warm cheeks.

"Are you two, like, boyfriend and girlfriend now?"

"Wh-What? Shut up!" You stutter, "I don't know!"

You scoot away from Shinimi, glaring at him. He only grins, making a kissy face and puckering his lips.

You turn your mind to other things, glancing over at Kirishima, who's still talking with Midoriya.

Maybe, you think to yourself, this would be a good time to get the pro-heroes involved.

Of course you would have to talk with Midoriya about it first, since he probably knows more about this kind of stuff than you do. He would also be able to predict the heroes' reactions.

But is it worth revealing Midoriya's whereabouts? The fact he's alive?

What if it gets back to the League somehow?

You take a deep breath.

What would you do if Midoriya was captured again? 

Shaking your head, you gently grab the former hero's sleeve, tilting your head.

"Can we talk about something really quick?" You hum as he nods.

As you two walk back into the alley, Kirishima and Shinimi howl. "OOOooooooooooOOOOooO lovebirds~"

You roll your eyes, then turn to the green-haired man.


As soon as you turn around, though, you're met with his emerald eyes, staring into yours as his hand slides up your side.

Your face flares red as you jump backward.

"I-I'm—! This is serious!" You stutter. He only blinks.

"So you didn't want to kiss me again?"

For a moment you consider it, until his lips break into a devilish grin. "Your face is so red right now."

"Midoriya," you huff, "I have a serious question."

"Alright, shoot."

"Should we tell Red Riot about the Agitator? We could get the pro-heroes involved. We could get help."

He thinks about it for a moment, taking your hand in his. "I don't know. I feel like the more people involved the more chance this has of going wrong."

"Yeah," you agree, "and what if they took Shinimi away? He's . . . he's killed a lot of people. And the police probably still think I killed Hiroto."

Midoriya nods. "We can't tell anyone else. This is a job for just the three of us."

"Okay. I trust you."

【𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 • 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑】Where stories live. Discover now