69| Selfish

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"Why are you still here?"

You can barely hear him over the deafening silence.

The truck bounces along the road, and you sit beside Midoriya in the back. The heroes are in a separate vehicle, as to not be suspicious while you all head to the cinema.  You're not sure why, but they put you and Midoriya alone. A dark pane of glass separates you two and the driver, so you can't see the man's face. 

You look up at Deku, confusion creasing lines in your forehead. "What do you mean?"

"I just . . . " He sighs, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. You said you wanted to find out why your brother died, right?"


"You have. So . . . what's keeping you here?"

You don't hesitate. "You are."

His concerned face crumbles into one of delight, and he can't hide how happy he is to hear the words leave your mouth. His expression quickly changes, though, seeing the emotion in your eyes. His face falls, a sad smile gracing his features.

"Please," he whispers, "please don't follow us into the cinema."

You tilt your head. "Why not? I've come this far. I'm not leaving you now."

"You're not . . . " Midoriya sighs, "listen, you're a healer."

"Exactly why I should join you and the heroes."

"You're not a fighter, darling. You could get hurt. You will get hurt."

You cross your arms. "Now you listen. I appreciate the concerns, but that's my problem. I can take care of myself. If I get hurt, I'll heal myself. I'm not leaving your side."

"I don't want you to get hurt!" He says, his voice a little louder than intended.

"Midoriya," you furrow your brows, "I know you're trying to be my hero. You're trying to save me. But I don't need that. You've been my hero. All this time."

"You're wrong," he mutters, cupping your face with his palm, "I'm not trying to be a hero. I'm trying to save myself from the pain of losing you. I'm selfish."

You melt at his touch, but that doesn't mean you can't stand your ground.

"I guess that means we're both selfish, because I'm following you," you smile, bringing your face to his, "whether you like it or not. I don't intend on losing you either. I love you."

He kisses you slowly, lips moving with yours, muttering an "I love you" against your lips.

"But you have to learn," he whispers, "that love won't save you when there's a gun to your head."

Before you can respond or even register his words, the truck comes to a stop, the driver slamming the breaks with a jolt. You fly forward, unable to save yourself because of how tired you are.

With a slam to the face, you groan, rubbing your forehead while you sit up.

Blush coats your cheeks as you watch Midoriya suppress a laugh.

"A-Are," he chuckles, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," you answer, "what happened?"

You tap on the glass separating you and the driver, only to realize he's not in the vehicle anymore. 

"He's gone." You tell Midoriya, your eyes widening.

"Gone? So he just hit the breaks and left?" 

You nod. 

Midoriya tries to open the door, and you try peering through the tinted windows.

"It's locked."

"I can't see anything."

You both blink at each other, not sure what to do. You tell Deku to try to text Kirishima, but the red-haired hero never responds.

It's like you were both completely forgotten.

"Unlock the doors from the front," you tell Midoriya, trying to figure out where the truck has stopped.

He climbs to the driver's seat, frantically searching for any button that might free you two. 

"There isn't one."

You lift a brow. "What do you mean?"

"I don't know," he grumbles, "there just isn't one."

You continue to squint through the glass, trying to make out anything outside of the vehicle. It seems like it's nighttime outside, though it's only 5 p.m.

"So what do we do?" Midoriya complains.

"I don't know," you answer, "keep looking. The heroes will come for us eventually."

Not even before you finish your sentence does a faint figure appear outside of the truck. You wave Midoriya over silently, your heart starting to pound.

"There's someone there," you whisper to him, "do you think it could be the driver?"

"Wait, I think that's . . . !"

You and Midoriya both smile, starting to tap on the glass to get his attention.


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