17| Broken Hero

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You sit back, crossing your arms. Midoriya only smiles. "So you have done your research. But you don't know the whole story."

"Then why don't you tell me?"

Something flickers in his eyes, but it's gone and he's back to normal. He shakes his head, as if to clear his head. "Fine."

" . . . but not even I know the whole story, not anymore."

"What do you mean . . . ?" You ask, leaning forward in interest. Midoriya's eyes are dull, and his brows are furrowed, as if he's trying to remember something. Something he should remember.

"You're an idiot."

The bluntness of his statement makes you flinch, and your eyes widen. "What?"

"I'm an idiot."

He's talking to himself?  You wonder, staying quiet. It seems like he's gone into a weird trance again. What are you gonna do with him?

"We're both going to die idiots."

You glance at Midoriya, confused once again. Looks like you aren't getting his backstory after all. Dangit. So close.

"Midoriya," you snap, waving a hand in front of his face. Something flashes in his eyes, and he's back to normal. You tilt your head.


"Deku?" You say, softer.

His eyes shift, and something else does, too. His cocky demeanor crumbles and his face goes pale. Fear shakes his body, and you almost think he's going to run away.

At that moment you remember something he said:

"Names are the bridge."

The bridge. Names are the bridge. Surely it means something.

The bridge . . . between what?


What other names does he go by?

"Izuku," you whisper, watching the change in the boy before you. Suddenly, he's the same green-haired teenager you saw on the news that day. The one who saved his classmate from the sludge villain.

His eyes soften, and his face regains it's color. It's him. 

You smile, but fear crushes your heart when Izuku grabs his head, as if he's in some kind of pain you can't see. A silent scream escapes his mouth, and you run behind the counter to him.

"Are you okay?" You say frantically, "What's wrong? Where does it hurt?"

Izuku looks up at you, no recognition in his eyes. Still, he answers.

"Everywhere," he gasps, "Everywhere."

You don't know what to do; in a futile attempt to help, you hug him, holding his pain-racked body in your arms.

"Midoriya!"  You cry, not sure if you're plan will work or not.

He stops shaking.

He stops moving entirely.

He takes a deep breath of relief, standing up, while you're still holding him. You step back, looking into his eyes. It seems to be the only way you can read his mind.

They're a hard, emerald green. Just like the Midoriya that brought you here.

He's back, and you're not sure if that's a good thing or not.

"Are you okay?" You say, taking your hands off of him. He tilts his head.

"Of course I'm okay."

"You're lying," you mutter. 

Midoriya laughs, a broken, strangled sound. "Of course I'm lying. I have always lied to you. I'm lying to you all . . . "

His voice doesn't soften, but it grows quieter. He looks at you desperately.

" . . . because if I told you the truth, you would think I'm insane."

Maybe it was those words. Maybe it was what you just witnessed. Maybe it was the look in his eyes. The desperation. The cry for help.

You're not sure why, but right then, you promise yourself. You couldn't save Hiroto.

You promise yourself you will save this broken hero.

【𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 • 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑】Where stories live. Discover now