43| Burning Worry

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"Listen, Kirishima."

Red Riot nods, his features turning serious. Midoriya continues.

"You can't let anyone know I'm alive. The League is after me, and they'll do whatever they can to get what they lost. If they find out I'm not dead, then who knows what kind of chaos they'll cause. We both know they don't care if they have to hurt the innocent."

Gradually through Midoriya's explanation, Kirishima's lips turn downward, and his eyes sad. 

"Alright," the red-haired hero says, "I won't tell anyone. But why are you here in Tokyo?"

"I could be asking you the same." Midoriya chuckles.

Kirishima tilts his head, smiling again. "Ah, well, I was on my way to help with a case."

That piques everyone's interest. "What . . . kind of case?"

What other case could it be? You think to yourself, it has to involve the Agitator.

"The details are confidential, but I can tell you that it involves the recent spike in missing children."

You blink. "Missing children? Isn't that just people selling their kids to fight?"

Kirishima looks up at you, shaking his head. "These are wealthy children, and the parents all reported them missing. We've speculated a mass kidnapping. Thirty children all went missing in the same day."

You look at Shinimi, lifting your eyebrows as if silently asking if he'd known about it. He shakes his head.

Midoriya puts his chin on his hand, leaning forward in interest. "Do you think it could be related to the quirk wars?"

"Not sure," Kirishima answers him, "but I'm going to this meeting so we can all put our heads together and think. Plus the families are paying a lot for us to find them, so why would they even give them away in the first place? Personally I don't think it has to do with the quirk wars. I'm not sure what's happening, though."

"Huh." You shift, looking down at your hands. The Agitator has never kidnapped kids before. Could this be someone different?

"I'll let you get to that meeting, then," Midoriya says, standing up, "but please. Don't let anyone know I'm alive."

Kirishima looks uncertain for a moment, but then he sighs. "Alright. Please stay safe."

Midoriya smiles, a genuine, sweet gesture. It makes you want to smile too.

"Trust me, Kirishima. We'll be fine."

And with that, the two friends part ways, without any guarantee that they'll see each other ever again.

"So," you start, "should we go to Sparky's and try to find the Agitator? Or should we look into this kidnapping situation?"

"I think they're linked," Midoriya answers, "they've gotta be. So we might find the answer to both of the crimes at Sparky's."

"What kind of place is Sparky's, anyways?" Shinimi inquires, "All Horyo said is that is was a bar. If that was the case, then wouldn't people try to get in all the time? Then their hideout would be as good as discovered."

You smirk, pulling out your phone. "Questions like that is where Google comes in. I'll just search it up real quick."

You're met with immediate results, your eyes widening at the screen.

"It says here," you tell your partners, "that Sparky's is an abandoned bar a few blocks from here. The owner bought it but never used it again."

Midoriya tilts his head. "Well that was easier than expected. So whoever owns the place must definitely know the Agitator. I guess we should check out the place before seeking him out, though."

You nod, putting your phone away. "Alright. Let's head there, then."

Shinimi hmms, putting a finger on his chin. "I don't know, guys. Something about all this seems fishy to me. Too easy, don't you think?"

You and Midoriya look at each other. You know the teenager is right. Despite that, you both shrug.

"It's our only lead for now," Midoriya grins, "why not go for it? Don't worry, you've got us if anything bad happens."

"I-I wasn't worried about me!" Shinimi stutters.

You smirk. "Awe, Shinimi, don't be embarrassed. Are we growing on you? Come on, it's only natural. But you don't have to worry. We all have each other, though my quirk isn't the fighting type, I can heal you guys."

Midoriya nods, agreeing. "Let's just find this guy, rescue your brother, and get the heck out of here. Alright? No worrying allowed."

The red-haired teenager looks down.

"I can't promise anything. There's something burning in my chest, like something bad is about to happen," he mutters, "but I'll do my best. We'll find him!"

You smile.


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