53| Liar, Liar, World on Fire

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"Hey," Midoriya says, his hair bouncing as he walks over to you, "they caught him!"

You tilt your head. "What?"

"They caught the Agitator!"

"You're lying," Nakano says, pushing past you to Midoriya, "You're lying."

"Why would I lie? That's what Hitoshi told me." The green haired boy smiles. "They caught him. It's finally over."

Doubt flutters in your chest, but Shinimi's eyes hold hope greater than his fear. "Really? That means . . . that means everything can go back to normal! I can find my brother!"

The teenager hugs Midoriya, but you and Nakano stand there, speechless.

You glance behind them, at Kirishima, Shinso, and Iida. Though the Agitator being captured is great news, they don't look happy at all.

The lavender haired hero looks you straight in the eyes, mouthing a command.

Don't talk about anything negative. Keep quiet around Izuku.

The hero's quirk takes hold of your tongue, and you can't speak when you desperately want to. You look over at Nakano.

She tilts her head, a question in her eyes at your fearful expression.

She hugs you, then, as to not seem suspicious when she whispers in your ear.

"What is wrong?"

You try to speak, but your tongue feels frozen and nothing leaves your mouth. You let go of Nakano, grabbing her sleeve and leading her to the corner of the room, where Midoriya can't hear you.

"I can't talk around Midoriya," you sneer, glaring across the room at Shinso, "he's used his quirk on me, though I don't know why. What's happening?"

"I do not know," Nakano replies, "but I know that they are lying to him."

"Let's go talk to Shinso," you suggest, "maybe he'll stop. Will you come too?"

She smiles, sensing your discomfort in talking to the stranger alone. "Yes."

You look behind you, at Midoriya and Shinimi, who're chatting up a storm. You've noticed them getting along better recently. 

It makes you feel relieved.

"What do you want?"

You turn to Shinso, whose arms are crossed. He looks you up and down, as if trying to decide if you're trustworthy or not. 

He must decide you are, because his eyes soften when they meet yours.

"Listen," he sighs, "this might be a little confusing, but I can't give you the whole story. Just please, don't say anything to Izuku. Don't mention anything about the Agitator. Pretend . . . pretend like everything's okay."

Your blood boils. 

"Why?" You ask, "Who are you to keep things like this from him?"

Nakano puts a hand on your shoulder, and you sigh.

"Did you catch the Agitator? Or not?"

Shinso looks down, shaking his head.

"The Agitator," he explains quietly, "isn't a single person."

Your breath hitches. 


Both you and Nakano exclaim at once.

She chuckles. "You are foolish. I've seen him myself; the Agitator is but a man."

"The Agitator died two years ago."

The silence is filled only by Shinimi's laughter in the background. Both of them are too caught up in their own conversation to notice you. Now you can hear that Kirishima has joined them.

"You're all liars," Nakano mutters.

Her face is shrouded in shadow as she looks down at Shinso, towering above even the grown man. 

"There's nothing I hate more than liars."

You nudge Nakano in the arm, and she looks over at you. You tilt your head as to remind her of the situation.

Her gaze softens, and she looks normal again. Same stoic, uncaring expression.

"Do not lie to us any longer," she says to Shinso.

You cross your arms. "You'd better tell us the truth. The whole truth."

"You'd figure it out in time, anyways," he grins, "you're both smarter than you look. Follow me. I don't want Midoriya to hear this."

"What about Shinimi?" You ask him, your dirty soles squeaking against the clean floor as you follow.

He shrugs. "I don't care. You can tell him later. Let's just get this over with."

Your minds drifts back to what the police officer said: that the Agitator is building an army.

Why do the heroes and the police force's stories contradict each other? Aren't they working together?

They could easily lie. Especially Shinso.

Who would be able to tell if they're lying or not?

"Wait," you say, stopping, "I think we want Shinimi with us after all."

【𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 • 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑】Where stories live. Discover now