31| Tokyo-Bound

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"Alright kid, pack it up," Midoriya tells Shinimi, "we're going to Tokyo."

The red-haired teenager's eyes widen. "What? Why?"

"You said that the Agitator is there," you answer, smirking, "so we're going to him."

Shinimi looks at you like you're crazy. "With what money? This is gonna be expensive, you know. There's three of us."

Midoriya scoffs. "Who said you're coming with us?"

You hit him in the side, smiling at Shinimi. "Don't worry, he's joking. You're with us now. Of course, only if you want to be."

The teen blinks, his face neutral for a moment; then, his lips break into a small smile, as if he's trying to hide it.

"Yeah," he mutters, "Yeah, I'd like that. I don't have anywhere else to go."

Midoriya shrugs. "Okay then. How are you going to pay for this?"

Both of the boys look at you, their eyes quizzical. 

You grin. "My parents were rich, and they left everything to me. I've been saving the money for something important like this."

"Okay, let's go."

You sneak around the corner, motioning for the two boys to follow you. Midoriya sighs, shaking his head. "You just look even more suspicious sneaking around like that. What's the point?"

"The point is," you hiss, hiding in the shadows, "you are a hero who faked his death. The kid is a murderer, and I'm a suspect of the same. There are eyes everywhere."

"It's 2 a.m.," Midoriya scoffs, "plus, do you see anyone? Anyone at all?"

"The more you sneak around like that, the more we all look suspicious." Shinimi comments.

"Fine," you grumble, joining them in the light of the streetlights. "Let's just go. There's the bank."

You start to head towards the doors, stopping when you realize the boys aren't following. You turn around, lifting your brows and gesturing to the building.

"I'm a hero who faked his death, remember?" Midoriya smirks, "And this kid here is a murderer. And that? That's a bank. Sure to be filled with cameras. You want us to go in there?"

You groan, climbing the steps alone. "Don't disappear on me, Midoriya. And don't hurt anyone."

Midoriya smiles at you, wrapping an arm around Shinimi's shoulder. "Don't worry, Darling, I wouldn't hurt a fly."

"Yeah right," you complain, rolling your eyes.

"What?"  You widen your eyes, "What the hell? What do you mean the account is empty?"

The bank teller glances up at you from above her glasses. "Miss, trust me. The computer doesn't lie."

"I-I'm sure it's lying now," you say to her, talking with your hands, "could you check again, please? The account number is—"

The teller sighs, widening her eyes and looking at you seriously. "This is the fifth time you've asked me to check again. I'm pretty sure that your balance is zero."

"It's all gone?" You huff, "That's impossible! I'm the only one with the password, besides . . . "

You stop. 


"Sorry for wasting your time," you say to the teller, storming out of the bank. 

Midoriya and Shinimi are sitting on the steps to the bank, staring off into space without speaking. You drag your feet, sitting down next to Midoriya.

"I'm broke," you mutter, "It's all gone. All of it."

"What?" He says, tilting his head, "I thought you said your parents left you a lot."

"My brother," You sigh, putting your head in your hands, "my brother must've taken it. You said that they had to pay for the capsules, right? For the stolen quirks? He didn't have any money to do that. I'm so stupid. I should've seen this coming."

Midoriya furrows his brows. "So he took the money to illegally buy a quirk off the H.H.H. without telling you anything? That's pretty shitty of him."

"He was like that," you mumble, "he always thought he had to do everything alone. He didn't tell me much. And now . . . now he's dead. He's dead, Midoriya."

Shinimi sits there, confused. "You can buy quirks? That's impossible."

Midoriya pats you on the back, turning to the teenager so he can explain.

"Her brother bought an artificial quirk from H.H.H. and the Agitator, but I'm guessing that he did something wrong and they killed him for it," the green-haired man tells him, "now, we're trying to stop this and figure out what is actually going on."

"Th-the Agitator?" Shinimi stutters, "Artificial quirks? That's impossible. Are you saying . . . ?"

Midoriya glances at you, and you nod. "Tell him."

He sighs, turning back to Shinimi. "We're guessing that once you go to Tokyo with him, he extracts your quirk and sells it."

The red-haired teenager sucks in a breath. "A-And then? What happens once he takes your power?"

Midoriya shrugs. "Probably kills the kids. Nothing else to do with them."

Shinimi brings his hands to his face, hiding his expression, then muttering something quietly. "They kill them?"

"W-We're not for sure," you say to the teen, furrowing your brows, "but that's just the most likely outcome."

"Does that mean," Shinimi looks up, his eyes teary, "that my brother's dead?"

【𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 • 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑】Where stories live. Discover now