26| A Hero's Grave

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[ warning: cussing. I don't normally use f-bombs but I felt they were necessary ]

"I never thought I'd be kneeling at my own grave."

You sigh. "Stop being so dramatic. Why'd you want to see it, anyways?"

Midoriya shrugs. "I don't know. Maybe to finally feel like this is all real. Sometimes I still feel trapped in my own head."

You crouch down beside him, patting his back. 

His grave is littered with flowers and hand-drawn cards, mostly from little kids, you can tell. His tombstone is big, inscribed with his birth name along with his hero one. 


you will be forever missed and cherished, our Symbol of Peace and Beacon of Hope.

"So they really think I'm dead?" Midoriya sighs, standing up. "I didn't think the H.H.H. would fake my death even though I escaped."

"Yeah, and it's crazy that the public would just accept it so quickly," you comment, "you're the greatest hero in the world. The Symbol of Peace, for goodness sake, and all you get is some flowers and cards at your grave?"

Midoriya looks away from you, then starts to chuckle. "I take it you were a fan?"

You blush in embarrassment, smiling. "I-I guess so, yeah. We were the same age, and you always looked cool on T.V."

"Oh?" he cocks his head, "You're using past tense. Are you not a fan anymore?"

"Th-That's not what I meant," you chuckle, "You're just . . . different now? I don't know. It doesn't help that everyone thinks you're dead."

"No, you're right." Midoriya faces the sky as droplets of rain fall from the dark clouds. 

You both stand there, silent.

"What should we do?"

"Hell if I know," The hero curses quietly, "I guess we just wait for something to happen."

The snap of a twig makes you jump.

"Pull up your hood," you hiss, clinging to his shoulder, "I think I just heard someone. We're just a couple mourning at our favorite hero's grave, okay?"

He nods, not uttering a word. Everyone knows the sound of his voice, so it'd be a dead giveaway.

"Hello?" Someone says, stepping into the light. He stops when he sees you two. 

It's the pro-hero Dynamight. Real name: Katsuki Bakugou. Current state? Broken leg. Now you know the cause, and he's kneeling beside you, hiding his face.

He stands there with his crutches and normal, casual clothes on. It's weird not seeing him in his hero costume. Seeing him look so sad. So desperate.

It makes you nervous.

"Sorry for intruding," Dynamight says. His voice is gruff and hoarse, and he hobbles forward to Deku's grave. "Don't mind me."

You watch Izuku beside you, glancing at his shaky hands. What's gotten him so scared?

"No, it's our bad," you tell him, standing up, "we've been here a while anyways. Let's go."

You hold Midoriya's arm as he stands up, and he keeps his head down, hiding his face. 

"Are you okay?" Dynamight suddenly says, turning to face you both. "You're both acting strange."

"Strange?" You say, plastering a smile on your face, "No, we've just come a long way to pay our respects, and the rain has dampened our mood. Don't worry about us."

"Just take the hood down," he growls, grimacing, "Deactivate your quirk. Show me your real face."

Before you can stop him, Midoriya swiftly takes his hood off, staring at his old friend.

Katsuki only sighs. "I said deactivate your quirk. Deku's dead. Your disguise won't work on me, bastard."

He spits his words, as if they're mixed with a snake's venom. It sounds like he's lying to himself.

You don't say anything, knowing it's none of your business, but also hoping Midoriya doesn't blow your cover.

Instead of telling Bakugou the truth, Midoriya stands there, hood down, a neutral expression on his face. He's completely silent, as if speaking could break the hero in front of him.

"Why?" Bakugou mutters, "Why? Why'd you die, Deku? Why'd you have to go and fucking die?!"

The scene in front of you is strange. You're not sure if Dynamight knows that it's the real Deku or not, or if he's just speaking to the hero's grave. But he's looking at Midoriya, all the same.

"After everything!" Dynamight shouts, looking at the ground, "After all we've been through? You had to go and die? You lost! You finally fucking lost, just like I said you would!"

He clenches his fists and closes his eyes. "You should've never become a hero. I should've stopped you. I tried to stop you. Just like I thought, you died. You killed yourself, you dumbass. This wasn't my fault. This wasn't my fault. It wasn't my fucking fault."

You avoid the eyes of the pro-hero. It only sounds like he's trying to convince himself of something he doesn't think is true.

"It really wasn't, Kacchan," Midoriya whispers, just loud enough so you both can hear, "I chose this. I died a hero."

You grab his hand, dragging him away from Katsuki, who's now silently crying at Deku's grave.

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