61| Open Flame

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The meeting is boring. It flies by in an instant.

You listen to the important parts, but everything else feels like you knew it already. They do talk about the missing kids' case though, so you perk up for that, eyes drifting around the room.

Kirishima smiles wide, like he has good news to share.

"I went into the interrogation room earlier," he tells you all, a sparkle in his eye, "and I managed to get him to tell me where their leader is!"

Everyone snaps their head to him, suddenly becoming more interested in the situation.

"He told you so quickly?" Uravity marvels, "What'd you do to him?"

Red Riot shrugs. "I just introduced myself, and the guy broke down. Said I saved his daughter a few years ago. Then he told me all this stuff."

"So?" Eraser head asks, "What'd you learn?"

"The leader is some kid that none of the members trust. The Agitator's disciple, of sorts. He's the one doing the kidnappings, but no one knows why. Most don't care, because they're still getting their money out of the job."

"You said you figured out where this kid is?" Midoriya asks, tilting his head.

"Somewhere in Kurisumasu," the red-haired hero explains, "should be easy to find from the description he gave me."

You zone out again, a small headache making your head throb. 

Glancing over at Shinimi, who's sitting across the table, you notice him wincing like he's in pain.

Worry stabs at your chest as the meeting continues, everyone unaware of the teen. When it finally ends, you immediately rush to his side, brows furrowed.

"Shinimi?" You ask, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," he says with a weary smile. "Just tired, is all."

You want to argue, but the crowd of people leaving the conference room surrounds you. Shinimi is swept away, making some excuse about how he has to use the restroom.

Uravity greets you, pink cheeks and a smile on her face. 

"So you're Deku's friend?" She asks, tilting her head.

"U-Uh, I guess," you stutter, "I haven't known him for very long, though."

"Well, if you're his friend then you're mine too! I'm Ochaco!"

"Nice to meet you," you smile, "I'm—"

At that moment, someone pushes past you and cuts you off. You spin around, to see none other than Bakugo Katsuki leaving the building.

You huff, not expecting him to be so rude. "What's his deal?"

Ochaco sighs. "He's been like that since high school. It was getting better, but ever since Deku came back he just seems more and more stressed."

"Why? He should be happy that Midoriya's back."

"I guess," the hero says, staring after Katsuki, "he's scared he'll be left behind again."

You both watch him storm off, mumbling quietly. Maybe he's mad at Midoriya. 

Maybe he's mad at himself.

"Bakugo, Deku, and Todoroki too were always competing at U.A.," Uravity sighs, "it never changed as we got older. When Deku was pronounced dead, they were both heart broken. I guess we all have our own way of mourning, though, because Bakugo just returned to his normal, angry self like he was in high school. Todoroki became quieter than ever, and neither were happy about moving up in the hero ranks because our Number One was gone."

You look down at your shoes.

These are stories you'll never understand. Lives you'll never fully know. But Midoriya does; he knows these people. He's probably mourning for what he lost, as well. 

"Speaking of Midoriya," you tell her, "I should probably go find him. Nice meeting you!"

She waves at you as you leave. "You too! See you at the next meeting!"

Since talking to the bubbly girl, you have to say your sour mood has lightened, and even more so when you quickly chat with pro-heroes Froppy and Kirishima.

Afterward, you run into Nakano in the hall.

She's quiet, not unlike normal, but she doesn't move when you speak to her.

"Hey Kano?" You ask, tilting your head and circling her, "Are you good?"

Her breathing is ragged. "Sorry."


"It . . . It hurts."

You look down at her arm, which normally glows a soft yellow or orange.

Now, it's red; burning, like a fire, curling up her arm. The heat is there, too, and now the only thing missing is the smoke.

"Holy shit," you mutter, backing away, "Nakano? Wh-what's going on?"

She only shakes her head, a blank, empty look on her face.

You can't even heal it. Whenever you get near, it burns like you're touching an open flame.

"W-Water!" You gasp, stumbling, "I'll get you water!"

Water puts out fire, right? Maybe it'll work the same way?

You run through the halls and to the dorm, where the door is already open. You dash inside, stopping when you see two figures on the ground.

Midoriya cradles Shinimi in his arms. 

"What's wrong with him!?" He cries.

"Oh my god," you mutter, "Oh my god, Shinimi too?"

You rush over, inspecting the comatose teen. He's unmoving, but you feel a familiar heat radiating from his shoulder.

You pull the collar of his shirt down, revealing a glowing red blistering burn. Purple outlines the edges, pulsing like a heart.

Someone stumbles through the doorway, then, and you turn when you hear them speak.

"I-It will go away soon."

Her voice is weak and hoarse.

Nakano, with her burning red quirk, falls to the ground, in the same condition as the fallen teenager.

【𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 • 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑】Where stories live. Discover now