47| Useless Apologies

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"So Sparky's," Midoriya says, "was only a trick? The Agitator used to send kids here, but then he moved someplace else?"

Nakano nods. "He was losing money, so he moved his lab. But the kids kept coming here, so me and Akinari just kept killing them all. It has been working so far. None of the children with the cobra tattoos have escaped."

"So where has the Agitator been getting quirks from?" You ask her, "If he loses his supplies, that only means demands would increase."

"I'm not sure where he's getting children. Not from here, though. We always made sure of that."

Midoriya managed to rent a room in a hotel, so that's where you're all staying for now. Nakano had no protests.

You look over at Shinimi, who's sitting on one of the beds.

"When did your brother come to Tokyo?" You ask.

He still seems mad at you, but he answers anyways. "About four months ago."

"I've only been killing the children for two months," Nakano says, "so whoever you're looking for I did not harm."

You glance over at the tall woman. She looks genuine, and she hasn't put up a fight or lied yet, despite the fact that you killed her partner.

"Nakano," you mumble, "why? Why are you doing this?"

She doesn't seem surprised at your question. She hasn't seemed to be surprised bout anything, in fact. She's actually pretty stoic.

"I could ask you the same question."

All four of you are quiet. 

And at that moment, everything that day catches up to you. Your body is tired. You feel heavy, likely to collapse at any moment.

"I feel like hell," you say, falling backwards onto the soft hotel bed.

Midoriya laughs. "Man, me too. Not to mention the fact we've caused a fire and killed two people since we've gotten to Tokyo."

"Life is crazy," Nakano says, as if agreeing, "I will sleep now."

There are only two beds in the hotel room, so you lay down beside Nakano, since she's the only other woman in the room.

Midoriya perks up from the bed he's sharing with Shinimi. 

The teen is curled up at the very edge, likely still mad and definitely very tired.

"Hey," Midoriya says, "come here. You're seriously going to snooze off right beside our hostage?"

"She hasn't hurt anyone."

"She shot Shinimi."

You sigh, standing up. "Fair enough."

The bed is identical to the one you were about to fall asleep in, so why is your heart beating so fast?

"There's not a lot of room, sorry," Midoriya whispers as you climb beside him, "Shinimi has taken up pretty much all of that side."

You feel like he's lying, but you're not energized enough to call him out on it. Instead, you curl up beside him, facing his chest.

His chin is resting on the top of your head, his soft breathing making your heart flutter.

You try not to thinking about kissing him as you close your eyes, reminding yourself how tired you are.

And you drift off to sleep, much to the dismay of Shinimi's snoring.

"She's gone."

You wake up, jerking out of Midoriya's grasp and looking around the room. "No way."

Shinimi sits up, rubbing his eyes and looking around. "Huh?"

Midoriya says it again. "She's gone. Nakano is gone."

"This is fine," you say, standing up and stretching, "this is fine. She wouldn't have just left like that. Maybe she's getting breakfast."

Shinimi gets out of bed, looking down at his bloodied clothes. "I'd better take a shower. You guys get a muffin for me."

You nod. "Alright."

As soon as the teen is in the bathroom, your eyes snap to Midoriya's.

"Yeah, she's not in the lobby," you sigh, "she's probably long gone by now."

"Don't tell the kid that," Midoriya tells you, running a hand through his bedhead, "he'll only feel guilty."

"We'd better look for a bit, at least. And get him his muffin."

"Fine. Let's go then."

As you head out of the hotel with Midoriya, you can't help but wonder how this random girl knew all those things about the Agitator. She spoke as if she knew him. Personally, even.

He pulls his hood up as to not be recognized, and you tap him on the shoulder.

"Do you think Nakano possibly knew or knows the Agitator?"

"Yeah," he replies, "she even talks of all this "karma will do its job" stuff, but that only makes me wonder: If she's not killing the kids for revenge or something, then why? What's her motivation?"

"She's mysterious, that's for sure. And really hard to read."

You're both quiet as you near Sparky's.

You almost flinch when Midoriya breaks the silence. 

"Do you think she could be . . . ?"

His voice trails off when you both notice a figure to the side of the building, where a tall oak tree casts shade on the sidewalk. 

Behind it kneels Nakano.

You and Midoriya walk up to her, silent.

What is she doing . . . ?

And then you notice the pile of dirt. 

"I spent all night," she says, somehow knowing you were behind her, "burying him. He never deserved to be killed in such a manner."

You realize she's talking about Akinari, the man that was by her side.

The man you shot in the head and killed instantly.

"He was an angel," Nakano whispers, looking down, "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised that he had to return to heaven someday."

Your throat is dry. "L-Listen, I'm sorry. I'm sure he wasn't a bad person, I was just—"

"Save your apologies," she interrupts, not looking at you, "they are useless now. He is dead, and you said it yourself: there is no turning back of time. Not even the love I hold can heal the cold you've set upon him."

And with that, she turns around, standing from her knees.

"A dead man is a dead man. And a promise is a promise. I will help you three."

"Wh-What promise?" You stutter, "You never promised us a thing."

"You're right. But I promised Akinari I would take down the Agitator, with whatever it takes. His words lie with me. I will carry out his wishes."

She starts walking down the sidewalk, back to the hotel where Shinimi is probably waiting for his muffin.

"Promises stay true, even beyond death," she mumbles, "at least, that is what I believe."

【𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 • 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑】Where stories live. Discover now