36| Loneliness is Contagious

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"Purpose for travel? Business or pleasure?" The man says, looking up at you three from under his glasses.

You fidget with your hands, smiling to hide your lie. "Pleasure. We're going on vacation."

Midoriya, fully dressed in his disguise, stands beside you with a hand on your shoulder. "With our son, Ryoto, here. He's gotten full marks his whole school career so we've decided to finally take him somewhere for it."

The plan is to be as annoying and eccentric as possible, to the point where the airport's staff avoid you completely.

"Oh, yes," you bat your eyelashes, "Ryoto is quite the genius. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, I suppose."

The man at the desk widens his eyes as you wink at Midoriya, and he feigns a blush.

"Oh, sweet-pea, he got it all from you." 

You swat the air with your palm, looking away from your pretend-husband. "Nonsense. Agree to disagree?"

"I'm afraid we must," Midoriya takes a step towards you, "for I cannot accept the fact that he didn't get his genius from you alone."

You suck in a breath when he lowers his face to yours.

An innocent smile plays on his lips, but his eyes hold the depth of a thousand seas. 

What have they seen? It still feels unreal, like a dream, that you're working with Deku. The Symbol of Peace. The hero you always wanted to be.

All of a sudden you're all too aware of his lips.

You place your hands on his chest, pushing him back playfully. "W-We can save that for later, dear. We have to get on the plane first."

You do your best to stay in character, but you can't help but stutter when he smiles again.

"Of course," Midoriya grins, "my apologies. I know you don't like PDA in front of Ryoto."

The man at the desk visibly cringes at your lovey-dovey pretend-husband, waving his hand dismissively. "Go on. You're clear."

You pass through the airport, smiling as if everything's normal. Shinimi trails behind you and Midoriya, like the perfect pretend-son.

Once you're far enough from other people in the airport, you let out a breath, turning to your accomplices. 

"Awesome!" You chime, "The staff was totally annoyed. Shinimi didn't even have to say anything."

"Time to get on the plane?" The teen smiles, "I've never been on one. Is it fun?"

Midoriya shrugs. "As fun as you expect it to be, if you like sitting and waiting around."

"Ah, ignore him. Let's just go," you scoff, "The plane leaves in about forty minutes, so I guess we have time to buy something first."

"Are you guys hungry?" Midoriya asks, pointing to a shop to the left.

"Oh, a Taste of Tokyo!" Shinimi chimes, "I've always wanted to eat there!"

You shrug. "I mean, we're going to Tokyo. But if you really want to."

"Shinimi, it's all over your face," you roll your eyes and laugh, "come on, how old are you?"

"I turn fifteen in a few weeks," He answers, swallowing the rest of his dessert, "Age doesn't define my ability to enjoy."

You're on the plane now, though it hasn't taken off.

Shinimi, who's sitting in between you and Midoriya, immediately helped himself to the snacks and sweets provided by the flight attendants.

Midoriya adjusts his wig, scratching his head. 

You look over at him. "You need help? I know it's probably uncomfortable, but we're only going to be on the plane for an hour or so."

"It almost falls off when I lean my head on the seat," he explains, "I think a few bobby pins are missing?"

You lean over Shinimi, tilting your head. "Here, we can't have anyone recognize you or get suspicious. Let's go to the bathroom and I'll fix it there," you whisper to him. He nods, and you can tell the wig is loose on his thick hair.

You get up first, walking down the aisle to where the restroom is. The door clicks shut, but you don't lock it.

He comes in soon after, locking the door with you both inside.

You pull the bobby pins out of your pocket. "Alright, lemme fix it. Wouldn't want you to get caught. Who knows what we'd do then."

As your hands fix the disguise, fastening it to his head, he mutters something.

"What do we do when we get to Tokyo?"

"Take down the Agitator," you hum, "hopefully find Shinimi's brother. Figure out what exactly happened to mine."

You don't like thinking of Hiroto, so the sudden mention of your dead brother makes your heart wrench.

"I have to know," you mumble, "why he was killed. I have to know how he got involved in all this."

"And?" Midoriya says, looking up at you from under the black strands of the wig, "What happens to me when this is all over? Everyone thinks that I'm dead. Where do I go?"

You're quiet. 

You hate questions you don't have the answers to.

"Sorry," Midoriya says, leaning back up, "I've just had a lot on my mind."

"Well if it means anything, you can always talk to me," you tell him, "life's hard, I know. Everything has been so crazy since Hiroto died, so I can't even imagine what it's like for you."

He's silent for a moment, but then looks at you with pleading eyes.

"Group hug?" 

It doesn't matter that it's only you two. You smile at him.

"Group hug," you say, wrapping your arms around him. He does the same, his broad shoulders encasing you in a blanket-like grasp. You feel secure. His touch is soft, and his breathing is slow.

"I just don't want," Midoriya takes a breath, "you guys to leave me alone. I can't be alone again."

【𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 • 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑】Where stories live. Discover now