4| Nightmares

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[warning: chapter contains disturbing descriptions and terroristic acts. Viewer discretion advised.]

And that night, you dream. You dream of what most considered the end of the world, the worst day of their lives.

That night, you dream of the day All Might died.

It was raining when the Symbol of Peace was attacked. 

Attacked by none other than Tomura Shigaraki, a dangerous man with an even more dangerous quirk, and other villains by his side.

You were in high school back then. That day that feels like yesterday, although it was ten years ago. That day that changed the world.

Everyone in your school was watching; either on their phones or the school computers. None of the teachers stopped them, because they were watching, too. 

You distinctly remember the rain drops clinking against the glass of the windows, and how your classmates were all quiet.

It was completely silent, the only noise the sound of soft rainfall.

It wasn't even a fight. All Might had been planning to retire, so he had a gathering where he would meet his fans and sign autographs and such. It was supposed to be a cheerful goodbye and an end to his hero career; he had been showing signs of weakness and he even had a rumored successor. 

All was well. Hundreds of civilians showed up to wish their favorite hero goodbye.

But then, people started crumbling, turned to ash and killed in an instant.

The crowd grew smaller, second by second, as Shigaraki raked his hands against people in the mass, sending them to their deaths with a single touch. By the time people gathered their sense and started to run, almost thirty people were already gone.

What was supposed to be a cheerful goodbye ended up a tragedy.

You remember watching the scene on your phone, from multiple people who streamed the incident. Eventually, the news showed up, along with pro-heroes to stop the madness.

But by then Shigaraki had All Might cornered, surrounded by other heroes who were holding hostages. 

Two high schoolers and students of the hero: a green haired boy and a blond one, both who would later become heroes themselves. 

The worst part wasn't when Shigaraki placed a hand on the symbol; it was before that. Before All Might flew away in the wind, nothing but a pile of lifeless ash.

The worst part was when the villains had their way with him. 



It's what they called revenge. 

They cut his clothes, his skin, ripped his hair out of his scalp, and things not even your nightmares want to remember. By the time they were satisfied, the livestream had lasted two hours, and All Might was almost unrecognizable.

But he still had his smile.

And only then did Shigaraki end All Might's misery, placing a hand on his heart and staring him in the eye as he died.

Pro-heroes Deku and Dynamight, who were both in UA at the time, watched it all only from a few feet away, held hostage and unable to move.

Whenever Deku tried to save All Might, he was slashed in the legs by the blonde girl holding him, unable to walk. She severed his achilles heel.

Dynamight stared at the green haired boy and at the hero being tortured. He didn't move.

All of it happened on live television.

Except in your dream, Shinimi is with the villains, jerking his neck and killing Dynamight and Deku, just like he did with the knife-boy on the street.

Those same black, lifeless eyes staring at the death and carnage around him. Then he turns to you, a bystander in your nightmare.

And he gives you a thumbs up.

Your alarm wakes you up that morning.

You don't shoot out of bed. Your body doesn't jerk and you don't have a headache. Nothing out of the normal happens when you arise.

Mostly because you've had the nightmare so may times before, but the only surprising thing was that Shinimi was in it this time. 

Shinimi, the strange, adolescent killer you saw on the street.

You shake your head. You have to remind yourself it was all real. Your nightmare, that is.

All of it. The livestream. The screams. The way All Might shriveled away and the villains cackled.

You sit up in bed, the familiar creaking of the frame bringing you back to reality. Oh yeah. You have to go to work early today.

You shut off your alarm, get up, and grab some clothes. Today is going to be insufferable.

You have your handy-dandy shoulder bag, prepared for the worst. 

Hiroto lays on the couch, still half asleep with his hair flopped in his eyes. You smile.

"See ya later," you wave.

"Byyee," he groans, tossing on the couch. "Don't get fired."

"Don't die," you tease, shutting the door as you leave and locking it.

You descend the stairs, pulling out your phone and popping your earbuds in. You're a journalist; you can't help but stay tuned in to the latest news. 

You turn on the news, listening as you hail a cab.

" . . . Deku's condition is still unknown, and the press is not allowed to enter the hospital. Rumors also say that pro-hero Dynamight is also staying here with his broken leg, but the rumors have not yet been confirmed or denied. On to other news: the police have decided to turn their attention to the battles in the streets, and have claimed that suspects of the . . . "

You tune out when a cab pulls up, and when you start to climb in, you notice something on the concrete. 

The sidewalk is stained a deep red. 

The spot where the blond boy's body collapsed when he died. 

The way Shinimi's dark eyes glazed over him like it was nothing.

The way your brother seemed equally horrified as you.

They must've cleaned up the body, but not good enough to wipe the sidewalk of the remnants of the city's sins.

"Miss," the cab driver says, eyebrows furrowed, "are you okay?"

You realize you were staring, and you nod, pulling a smile over your grim features. "I'm fine," you muster, "Please take me to the Symbol of Truth headquarters."

The driver tilts his hat. "Yes, ma'am."


Three day early release as a thank you for 150 followers <3

Please leave a vote if you enjoyed the chapter, as gruesome as it was. 

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