59| You're my Happy Ending

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"Okay. We can talk to him about it," Midoriya says softly, leaning on you, "everything will be fine."

"I know," you mutter, "I know it will."

The warmth of Midoriya's body on yours makes you want to fall asleep, right then and there. It's comforting; his soft breathing and the rise and fall of his chest.

You hold onto that feeling, with white knuckles. You hold onto it, with whatever it takes. Because you can't shake the feeling you'll lose it very, very soon.

You muster up the courage to ask what you've been wondering, his words from back then sitting in your mind with a weight you can't comprehend.

"Why did you think that I wanted you gone?" You mutter. "You can be really stupid sometimes."

You can't see Midoriya's face, but you feel his breath hitch. 

"Because," he replies, "there's nothing for me here anymore. I thought that'd you want to leave, like it would have to end horribly in some way. It feels like I don't deserve a happy ending."

You almost laugh at his words. "You? You have nothing left? You were the number-one hero. You have so much to live for, Midoriya. You have friends here, that want to help you . . . If anything, I'm the one that has nothing to lose."

He looks at you, then, an emotion you can't place filling his eyes. 

"You have me."

"You're right," you reply, "and you have me. And I can't lose that, whatever it takes to keep things like this."

"You really think that, though?" Midoriya wonders aloud, "That I have somewhere to be."

"Yeah, that's why I'm so scared, I think. Because you have the world to welcome you back, ready to love you when you say it's okay."

You chuckle softly.

"But all I have is you guys, and this cruel heart of mine. No one is going to wait for me. In the end, even you all have something to love. If you leave me, that's it. I'm alone."

"But I won't," Midoriya says, eyes locked onto yours, "because you're my happy ending."

"And you're mine."

If love is anything tangible, if that's what you're feeling, it makes its home in the way he presses his lips to yours, softer than the sheets below you.

His hands wrap around your body, resting below you as you're pressed against the mattress. He hovers above you, his eyes tired, but leans down for another kiss despite it.

You break away for a moment, your voice weak. "Rest. You're tired, I can tell."

"No I'm not."

Midoriya kisses you again, and you hug him as he pulls away. You feel his breathing slow.

He was really tired. I knew it. You think, eyeing his head resting on your chest. You scoot him over so you can face him, laying down peacefully, at rest.

【𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 • 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑】Where stories live. Discover now