20| Fate

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"Kacchan?" You ask. "Who's that?"

"He was an old friend of mine," Midoriya says, tapping his foot, "but he got what he deserved."

"Well," you mumble, "I hope you feel better. I can't find the culprit on my own."

Midoriya's eyes snap to yours, as if he just remembered something. "Where is it?"

"Where's what?"

"The capsule," he stands, clenching his fists, "Where's the capsule?"

"Oh," you reply, "you must've dropped it when you passed out. I completely forgot about it."

"We have to go and get it."


"If we don't get it first," Midoriya growls, "they will."

Midoriya always insists on traveling at night, so you just go along with it, knowing he's the one with more experience at sneaking around.

The sky shines with stars, blinking down on you both. Midoriya doesn't seem to notice the brilliance of the night, but he focuses on staying in the shadows of the streetlights.

Your apartment building is quiet, everyone asleep in their beds. You follow Midoriya up the stairs. They creak under your feet, and you clench your fists. 

Why does Midoriya think the capsule is so important?

The yellow of police tape shines in the corner of your eye.

"There it is," Midoriya turns to you, "are you ready?"

You scoff. "You're acting like this is some top secret mission. Let's just grab the capsule and get out of here."

He shrugs. "Suit yourself."

He puts his hand on the doorknob, slowly turning it and entering your apartment. He holds out a hand, stopping you.


You nod, although you're not sure why you have to be even more quiet than you were. Of course, he doesn't say anything to you, but only shuts the door and squats behind the couch, motioning for you to follow.

"Look around, but stay out of sight."

You roll your eyes. "There's no one here, dummy."

You do what he says, feeling along the carpet for the small, pill shaped capsule. Nothing.

Your head snaps up when you hear glass break.

The window?

You look at Midoriya, who's peeking around the couch. You do the same, heart pounding.

It's dark, but you can see the silhouette of someone climbing through the window. They're in all black, and you can't even hear them breathe. 

They're completely silent.

They step inside, not even glancing at the glass covering the carpet. Squatting down, they run their hand along the carpet.


"If we don't get it first . . . they will."

You look at Midoriya, who's frantically searching for the capsule. You join him, your hand skimming the floor.

【𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 • 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑】Where stories live. Discover now