5| Compliance

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The Symbol of Truth isn't a small newspaper company, but its headquarters is. Because of the 15th Protection Law that was passed a year ago, people are allowed to work at home if needed due to the danger on the streets. Even children can do school online. In fact, they're encouraged.

The streets are 50% more dangerous for kids under 15 than adults; and not just because of the street fights. 

Think of it like this: you want in on the money, but you don't have a kid. It's too much hassle to adopt or whatever. So, you grab them off of the streets. You can either do your research on a single child and know what you're getting, or, you can take a gamble and work with whatever kid you catch. 

Any quirk can become powerful and dangerous if you Hype them up. Once you have a kid? Just get in on the action and win the fights. That simple. Kidnapping has become one of the leading causes of death in kids. Why?

If you don't like the kid's quirk, what do you do? Let them go?

Nope. Most kidnappers leave them on their parent's doorstep, all blood and gore. You've actually avoided the news lately because of their tendency to show such things on television.

Because of this, all of the company's employees work at home, and submit their articles online. Suzuki is the only one who usually uses the building. You're honestly convinced he sleeps there.

You snap yourself out of your daze and hop out of the cab, quickly paying the driver and rushing to the building. A large 'Symbol of Truth' sign in yellow stares down at you as you open the door. 

You really need to stop spacing out. The world is just too complicated.

The inside of headquarters smells like coffee, and the secretary sits at the front desk. You don't talk to her, instead heading to the back where the boss' office is. 

Suzuki's door is open, which is his way of saying that you're late. You sigh, heading inside.

His office is large, with barely any decorations on the walls. A desk is smack-dab in the middle of the room, and there your boss sits. 

He's a muscly man, despite being a journalist himself. His black hair is gelled back in an attempt to cover the bald spot you know is on the back of his head. Despite it, you can't deny he's not bad looking. But the real star in the room?

Akari. She sits in a chair infront of Suzuki, as radiant as ever. Her quirk makes her practically glow, and she always smells like flowers. Her shiny silver hair is draped over her shoulder, and she doesn't even look at you.

You don't know her that well, and you've only spoken once, but you already resent her.

You grumble, sitting beside Akari and facing your boss. The chair is uncomfortable, which doesn't help your mood. You try to be polite, but you're bad at acting.

"So am I getting fired?" You ask, although you doubt it. Why would Akari be here if that were the case? She's the best writer in the company. 

You're still jumpy from your nightmare last night, so when Suzuki slaps his hand on his desk and starts to laugh, your body jolts. You see Akari hold in a snicker.

Your boss' boisterous laughter fills his office, and he looks at you, his eyes like a snake's. 

"Why would I ever fire you?" He jokes. "You're one of the best writers we have."

You seriously want to punch him.

"Actually," he continues, "I have a proposal."

He pauses for dramatic effect. Ah, another reason you've grown to hate him.

He leans back in his chair. "I assume you've been watching the news and keeping up with the latest drama. Deku hospitalized. No press allowed inside."

You nod.

"He's the Symbol of Peace, my friends," Suzuki laughs. "Hence the name of my company. It's our job to find information for the public. No one even knows how hurt he is, for goodness sake."

You and Akari glance at each other, sensing where this is going.

"I want you," he smiles, "to figure out what's wrong with him."

Akari stands up. "Sir," she frowns, "that's illegal."

You nod. She's right; when All Might died and the Hero Preservation Law was passed, any information concerning any pro-hero to be disclosed to the public has to be approved by the police.

"The police have made it clear that they aren't letting any of the press inside," you say, standing by Akari. "And you want us to do it anyway?"

"Listen," your boss says, leaning forward. "Am I the only one who thinks it's strange? Two heroes, both injured, in the same hospital. Dynamight is also not allowed any visitors, as you know."

 Your mind spins. He's right. "No. I also think it's strange."

"Which is why I haven't fired you yet," Suzuki explains, "you have the most brilliant mind. You remind me of me, my dear."

You cross your arms. "Bullshit."

The man only laughs. "Yet another reason! Your sense of humor really appalls me, you know."

Akari suddenly leaves, not saying a word, and you stare after her. She leaves behind a scent of flowers.

Suzuki flashes a smile, pretending to not notice the exit of his employee. "I'm giving this task to my favorite writers."

You scoff inwardly, but sit back down. He smiles even wider at your compliance.

"It's a contest, then," he says, "if you get me the information before Akari does, then I'll consider letting you keep your job."

You can't say no to that.

【𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 • 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑】Where stories live. Discover now