30| Connect the Dots

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Shinimi touches his forehead, running his hand across the skin where his wound used to be. He takes off the bandage, looking down in awe.

"I didn't even feel anything," he tells you, "and I thought you said that you could only heal yourself?"

"It's true. I've never . . . " You widen your eyes. "I was never even able to heal my own brother. The only other person I've healed before you is . . . "

At that moment, as if he knew you were talking about him, Midoriya climbs up from the cellar. 

He sees the surprised look on your face and the bloody bandage in Shinimi's hand. "God, what did I miss?"

"I can heal him," you huff, sitting down next to the teenager, "I can heal this kid, just like I can heal you."

Midoriya shrugs. "So? Darling, if anything, this is a good thing. Who cares if you couldn't do it before?"

"B-But this is so weird!"

"Yeah. But it's also kinda cool."

You laugh, putting your head in your hands. "Alright, Sleeping Beauty, I guess you're right. How was your nap? Feeling better?"

You don't say it, but he knows you're talking about his outburst in the cellar. At your concern, he smiles. "A bit better," he says, then turns to Shinimi, "fill me in, kid. It's interrogation time."

Shinimi blinks. "What do you wanna know? There's not much I know myself."

"Is there some sort of system to this?" You ask, your journalist core eager, "The fights, I mean. What happens when you reach the top? Why are there so many crowds? Do you get paid or something?"

The teenager's face flushes, probably from getting so much attention all of a sudden. He answers quietly.

"I don't like to talk about it normally, but since you helped me I will," he starts, looking at you, "there is a system."

Your eyes widen, and you lean forward in anticipation. All of the time you spent trying to figure out the reason behind the wars, and now? The information is right in front of you, being presented on a silver platter.

"This town is the center of it all," Shinimi explains, "you start out low, in a place a few cities over called Kizuato. When you win a certain number of fights, you rank up, traveling to the next city."

"So we're at the center?" You ask him, "This is where the best fighters are?"

Shinimi nods. "There are tons of cities, and this one just happens to be the head of the snake. It's probably because police are so lax, but no one really knows who came up with this system. It's just how it's always been, I guess."

You look over at Midoriya, who's also listening, but seems to be focusing on something else. Sifting through memories again? You don't know, but you don't ask. 

The red-haired teen continues. 

"Once you manage to earn his attention, people say he invites you to Tokyo with him."

You perk up. "Who?"

The name is like salt on Shinimi's tongue. "They call him the Agitator."

"So basically," you say to Midoriya, "this is like some crazy mafia type organization."

"If you want to put it so informally, I guess so." He replies.

You both went down to the cellar to talk while Shinimi got to indulge himself into the convenience store food. He looked oddly happy when you gave him the offer, so you assume he hasn't has this much freedom in a while. 

Now, you're talking with Midoriya about the situation.

His green eyes look into your own. "So here's what I've gathered: the Agitator is paying these people to abandon their kids so they can be thrown into this contest-like war. If you survive long enough and kill enough of the other kids, then he invites you to Tokyo with him, and no one knows what happens to the kids after that."

You nod. "That about sums it up. Do the police not know about this?"

Midoriya shrugs. "They probably do, but money works wonders, even persuading people to go as far as overlooking murder."

You sigh. "Of course. But do you think this is related to—?"

"I know it is," Midoriya intercepts, "think about it. The H.H.H. relies on heroes for the quirk extractions. But that's the thing: a hero dying is a rare case."

"Are you saying . . . ?" Your eyes widen when Midoriya nods.

"I think that the H.H.H. and this Agitator guy are somehow connected," your partner explains, "heroes don't die that often. Who is the next most vulnerable target? A target that no one will notice as easily as they would a hero disappearing?"

You suck in a breath. "Kids. The kids on the streets that no one wants."

He smirks. "Exactly. And the only kids worth extracting are the ones who are the strongest. And how do you find out who's the strongest?"

"You make them fight," you answer, "you make the children fight and harvest the ones with the best quirks."

"This isn't just some human trafficking crime," Midoriya says, "this is fucking crazy."

【𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 • 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑】Where stories live. Discover now