34| Ready

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"Midoriya!" You say to him, smiling, "is this the box? It's got a code on it, so I couldn't look inside, but—"

"Shhh," he whispers, stopping you, "come with me."

You look at him quizzically, following him and Shinimi outside. The teenager looks just as confused as you, but you both stay quiet.

Midoriya looks around for a moment, eyeing the house, then turns back around, exhaling.

"Alright," he concludes, "we're safe."

You glance at Shinimi. He shrugs.

"Safe," you ask, "from what exactly? What happened?"

"I don't think I did that," he answers, muttering under his breath.

"Did what?"

"I didn't pack everything up like that," he tells you, "the only thing I remember putting away was . . . things that reminded me of All Might. I didn't clear out my whole house."

"So who did?" Shinimi wonders aloud.

"The League, I'm sure of it," Midoriya sighs, "they must know I'm alive, or at least they speculate that I am. My house is probably bugged. There might be cameras, too."

"Woah," you say, still clutching the box, "so they're after you?"

"Maybe." He shrugs. "They probably searched my house then cleaned it up so as to not look suspicious."

Shinimi tilts his head. "So did we find the money? What if they know you're alive now?"

"If they know I'm alive, so be it," Midoriya grins, "we're going to Tokyo anyways. Here, hand me that box."

You do, the cool metal leaving a lingering chill in your palms as he takes it from your hands. 

Midoriya examines the lock, bringing it up to his face and squinting. "Hm. I don't remember what the password is."

You and Shinimi groan. "So what do we do now?"

As soon as you finish your sentence, the box is already open. You blink.

"How'd you . . . ?"

Midoriya tilts his head. "My quirk. Duh."

Shinimi shuffles over to the hero's side, peeking inside the metal containment. His eyes twinkle.

"Holy wow!" He mumbles. Midoriya smiles and hands it to him. The teen shows you immediately. "Look at all of this money!"

You laugh, admiring the yen inside. "Oh yeah. Tokyo, here we come!"

"Ooo, take this too!" Shinimi says, shoving a few bags of chips in your shoulder-bag. 

"We might wanna bring this," Midoriya adds, holding up a first-aid kit with one hand. 

You take it from him, nodding. "There's not much else we need. Not with all the money we have. We can just buy whatever in Tokyo."

"It's not like we had much anyways," Midoriya comments, looking around some more, "although it would be nice if we had a phone."

Shinimi smiles. "We have money, though!"

You and Midoriya look at each other. 

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" You grin.

"Oh yeah."

And that's how you got three phones, one for everyone. Shinimi looks like he's in heaven while you and Midoriya laugh.

"I've never had one before," the teen whispers, staring at the device in his hands, "it's, like, new. Brand new."

"Not exactly," you laugh, "we bought used ones. We're going to try and save as much money as we can, but just because it's not new doesn't mean you can break it."

Shinimi nods vigorously. "I would never. Here, gimme your numbers! I'll make a group chat. One of my friends used to have a phone, so I know how to use it. His wasn't this new though."

You and Midoriya tell Shinimi the numbers, and he creates the chat, so you can all stay in touch if something bad happens. 

"There's still one problem, though." You turn to Midoriya.

He blinks. "What? Did I do something wrong?"

"You died, that's what," you say to him, "so now people will freak out if they see you in public. I don't think a hoodie will work as well while we're on a plane."

Midoriya grumbles. "It worked just fine when we bought the phones."

"We could just drive to Tokyo, right?" Shinimi speaks up, "It would only be, like, an hour flight from here."

"That's boring," you reply, "plus we're going to try to stay out of sight, which means we couldn't make many stops. The drive would take a while. And where would we get a car?"

"Ah, you're right."

"So what do I do?" Midoriya says, "It's not like I have a disguise laying around."

"A wig!" You chime, "You're pretty average looking. It's your hair that stands out."

"Wow, so blunt." Midoriya mumbles. "Alright, I can wear a wig."

You smile. "Perfect. Me and Shinimi can buy one."

Shinimi grins evilly. "Oh yeah."

【𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 • 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑】Where stories live. Discover now