73| Windows to the Soul

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[chapter contains descriptions that some may find disturbing. viewer discretion is advised.]

The shadows curl around the floor, engulfing your family's faces. The only thing left is their eyes. Ghost gray, faint, lifeless.

Cold, gray eyes.

Without a soul.

And then you faint, and your head hits the ground.

You're tired.

You want to sleep; to finally let yourself sink in this ocean of despair and confusion, drowning your thoughts and becoming numb.

Sweet darkness. Surrounding. It's everywhere.

Is this death? Because it's much more comforting than you imagined.

Warm. The edges of hell scare away the cold, so that's all you feel. Yet a sense of hopelessness grasps at your fingertips, dragging you deeper into the numb ocean. How is it you feel everything yet nothing at all?

And then, you see him.

He's reaching for you. Diving into the ocean for you.

And once he takes your hand, the sun explodes.

"Get up!"

Midoriya pulls you off your feet, and you vision is blurry as you look around. You're in the alley, and Kurai is gone. 

"What'd he do to you?" the former hero asks, worry lacing his voice, "Are you okay?"

Your voice is stuck in your throat. A dry, heaving feeling filling your lungs.

"I'm fine," you lie, standing up. Your knees feel like they could buckle at any moment, and your head is spinning.

You can feel that darkness; hiding in the edges of your vision, in the depths of your soul. That ocean. You can still remember how it drowned you.

You shiver.

"Where's Kurai?" You ask Midoriya, taking your mind off the deadly feeling.

"He's gone. I'm sorry."

Midoriya's face looks so pained that you can't help but hug him, wrapping your arms around his shaking body.

"Don't cry." You tell him. "Everything's fine. I'm sure Shinimi is safe."

Why can you lie so easily?

You both start to walk to the police station, not sure what to do. The heroes must be at the cinema by now; perhaps that's why Kurai left.

Why does it have to be like this?

You were both left behind again. Midoriya's hand is warm in yours as you use your other to open the door to the police station.

Why am I even here?

You can see Uraraka's familiar, bright pink hero costume. 

Why is she here?

Anger boils up inside of you. You're not exactly sure why. Maybe because she's a hero. Maybe because she's supposed to be saving Shinimi right now. Maybe because you've seen the way she looks at Midoriya.

【𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 • 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑】Where stories live. Discover now