18| A Little Favor

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"You need to eat something."

Midoriya scowls, crossing his arms and pouting like a toddler. "You need to mind your own business."

You step forward slowly, arms in the air as if you're surrendering. "You fainted less than an hour ago, and I can hear how hungry you are. Don't let your pride get in the way of your health, you dummy."

After you made your promise, you called him Izuku again, which was a mistake. He screamed and passed out, and you had to drag him to the bed. Now, he's back to Midoriya, and he's a stubborn little shit.

Of course, you're not sure why he changes what seems to be personalities when you call him different names, but you've got it kind of figured out. You even have a journal to record your findings, which may seem weird, but you need something to do.

Izuku: Seems to be the 'normal' him, but with a sort of glitch. He can only go a few minutes without passing out, and the whole time he's in crazy pain.

Deku: A scared, broken hero. You're not sure what happened to him, and you're not sure you want to know. He's always crying and muttering to himself. He's stuck in the past, like a broken record player, rewinding and replaying constantly.

Midoriya: A cruel mix of the two, but with malevolent intentions. Whatever happened to him while he was with the villains, this was the result. Unfortunately, it's the only part of him that can actually function, and possibly help you.

Midoriya fiddles with the knife in his hand, twirling it around his fingers without touching them. He glances up at you, noticing your stare.

"Fine," he sighs, setting it down beside him, "I'll eat something."

He blinks, giving you a quizzical look.

"What?" You say, crossing your arms. "I'm not gonna feed you like a little kid."

Midoriya rolls his eyes, a grin spreading across his face. "I'll eat. But only if you tell me one thing."

You cock your head, starting to get annoyed.

"Why do you feel an obligation to help me?"

He's looking down at his feet, his green hair covering his expression. He leans back, landing on his wound and wincing. His face contorts, and he grabs his shoulder, a frustrated sigh leaving his lips. 

You decide to answer his question, nevermind how awkward it may be. You take a deep breath and sit by him, holding the sandwich you made him.

"You saved me,"  you whisper, looking away from Midoriya, "you saved so many people. And now you're like this . . . "

"So you think," Midoriya scoffs, "that by saving me, you'll get praise in return?"

You shake your head slowly, handing him the sandwich and ignoring his question. "Eat."

He takes it from you, then something lights up in his eyes. "Ah, I get it . . . "

" . . . you want to be a hero."

You blush, but hide it with your hand. "Doesn't everyone at some point?"

"Oh, Darling," he says, taking a bite of his sandwich, "you clearly don't get out much."

"Apparently you don't either." You roll your eyes, pointing to his chin. "You sure don't have the manners of the number one pro-hero."

"Eh, torture does things to you."

He says it so nonchalantly and even adds a shrug, but he at least wipes off his mouth. You process his words, staring.

"Excuse me?" You widen your eyes. "After refusing to tell me anything about you, you suddenly just drop a bomb like that?"

Midoriya looks over at you, an innocent look on his face. "Oops?"

"You were tortur—?"

Midoriya shoves the last of his sandwich in your mouth, leaning forward and looking you in the eyes. Crumbs fall down your chin, landing on your shirt.

"Wow,"  he sarcastically gasps, his mouth in a little 'o' shape, "you sure don't have the manners of a journalist."

"What the hell."

"Correction," he smiles, "what the heaven."

He gets up, pops his fingers, and starts to climb the ladder.

"Wait a minute, 'what the heaven'?" You say, standing up to follow, "what does that even mean? Are you crazy?"


"Did you just say 'idk'?" 


"Hey wait," you complain, pointing to your ankle, "I still can't get up there."

Midoriya laughs, the sound filling the small basement and making you feel all tingly. It sounds genuine. Normal. But you know he's far from normal.

"Okay, I'll help you solve your brother's murder," Midoriya says, reaching out a hand, "but just remember you owe me."

"Owe you what?"

"Just . . . " he pauses, tapping his chin with his finger, " . . . a little favor."

You pause before answering, although you know you're not going to refuse. "Alright."

You grab his hand and he helps you up the ladder. 

But you can't shake the feeling you just made a very bad choice.

【𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 • 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑】Where stories live. Discover now