58| Fresh Start

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"I will not have any memories erased," Midoriya says, "If there's something wrong with me, I want normal treatment, like any other person would get."

Shinso and Kirishima look shocked at first, but then their faces of disbelief melt into ones of pure relief.

"Oh thank goodness," Kirishima laughs, "I really thought you were going to do it."

"If he did, it would've been even more complicated and only made us have to lie to you a ton," Shinso says, shrugging, "but it's not like it was my choice, so I didn't really argue . . . "

"Hitoshi, that is definitely something I want you to argue with me about in the future."

"Duly noted, I'll keep that in mind."

You wipe your face, sticky from tears and snot. It feels as if a weight has been lifted from your shoulders, though, so you're not really embarrassed.

You are embarrassed about one thing, though: you told Midoriya you loved him.

And then he said it back.

You look at him, then, at his own red face and tear stained cheeks. His freckles shimmer with tears under the ceiling lights, and his puffy eyes make him look like a pug puppy whenever he smiles.

Is it love you're feeling? Or some selfish desire to stay by his side, like a moth to flame?

"So," Kirishima says, "are you guys gonna help us?"

You glance at the others, one brow up in question.

Shinso seems to sense your hesitancy, a comforting smile warm on his face. "I know you think you can't trust us, and it's hard to side with the police after all that's happened, but we're welcoming you. Only if you want to join us, of course, will your crimes be pardoned."

Shinimi seems happy about that. "Really? Like . . . a fresh start?"

The purple-haired hero nods, along with Red Riot. "A fresh start. Slates wiped clean."

If Shinimi trusts them, you think, then they must be telling the truth.

"Midoriya, the truth is, we didn't catch the Agitator," Kirishima admits, rubbing the back of his hair with one hand, "we caught one of his allies."

"I know."

Everyone looks at Midoriya then, and he only shrugs.

"All that I've been through, and you think I didn't notice how weird you guys were acting?" He chuckles, "Plus, it wouldn't have been that easy. I'm not stupid."

At first, you're relieved, then you giggle. "Well, sometimes—"

"Shut up."

"So we're doing this?" Shinimi chimes, his eyes sparkling in anticipation, "We get a fresh start?"

Kirishima holds out his hand, giving the teen a fist bump. "Oh yeah!"

"You scared me so bad!"

Midoriya chuckles, his cheeks red with embarrassment. "Sorry, Iida. I just hadn't really decided yet . . . "

Iida wipes his eyes, clearly the most affected by Deku's decision. "Well, at least you're back in time."

"In time for what?"

"The meeting is in about an hour, so everyone should be getting here soon . . . "

"Woah, everyone?" Midoriya says, "Like who?"

"Everyone else involved in the case," Kirishima chimes, "we didn't say anything yet because we weren't sure if you all were going to help us."

"Hey, but don't worry," Shinso says, patting Midoriya on the back, "we've told them to be as calm as possible. I know it's kind of hard, since you haven't seen these people in months, but we're here for you."

"Us too," You say to him, standing by his side. He smiles.

"Okay," he takes a breath, "Okay, that's fine. I can do this."

"W-Woah, wait," Shinimi says, "we're going to meet even more heroes?"

"Yup." Kirishima grins.

"Oh no!" The teenager gasps, "I must look awful. Can I wash my face, at least?"

"Here, all of you can go wash up," Iida says, "follow me."

He takes you four to a big room, complete with beds and a couch in the middle. It looks like a dorm room.

"There's a bathroom over there," Iida says, pointing to a door, "feel free to relax and get ready for the meeting."

The hero leaves, and you four stand awkwardly in the room for a moment. Shinimi is the first one to move.

"I'm taking a shower!" He calls out before closing the door. You hear the click of the lock, which for some reason makes you laugh.

Nakano walks up to a mirror on the wall, frowning at her reflection.

"I have been wearing this same white shirt since Akinari passed," she grumbles, "no one told me it looked so gross."

You walk over, looking at yourself in the mirror alongside her.

Your hair hasn't been brushed in weeks, literally, and you sure can tell. It's matted with blood, dirt, and who knows what else. 

You smell like ashes and filth.

You look over at Midoriya, whose hair is fine. His clothes are dirty, but at least he doesn't look like a complete maniac.

Nakano lets out a sigh. "I am going to ask for new clothes. You too?"

"Sure," you nod, "thanks."

That leaves you and Midoriya alone.

"I think," you mutter, fiddling with your fingers, "we need to talk about a few things."

Midoriya sits on the edge of one of the beds, patting the spot beside him. "Yeah?"

You join him, leaning your head on his shoulder. "I think we should bring Shinimi to the hospital."

"Huh. That's not what I expected you to say," he chuckles, "why? He seems fine to me."

"Earlier, he collapsed." You mutter, worry thick in your voice, "It was where he was hit when we fought Nakano. It was pulsing, but it was the color of a really bad bruise. He said it hurt really bad . . . "

"Didn't you heal it before?"

"Exactly. That's why I'm worried. Whatever I can't heal means it's something serious." You tell him, "And I'm no doctor. I don't know what that was."

"Okay. We can talk to him about it," Midoriya says softly, leaning on you, "everything will be fine."

"I know," you mutter, "I know it will."

The warmth of Midoriya's body on yours makes you want to fall asleep, right then and there. It's comforting; his soft breathing and the rise and fall of his chest.

You hold onto that feeling, with white knuckles. You hold onto it, with whatever it takes. Because you can't shake the feeling you'll lose it very, very soon.

【𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 • 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑】Where stories live. Discover now