64| All He Needs

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"How could you be so reckless?"

Aizawa's glare pierces through you and Midoriya both, and you wonder how Midoriya survived high school with this man as his teacher.

"I didn't do anything," you grumble, disappointed in how unfair the hero is acting.

"I didn't say you did." The older man replies with a sigh. "Just please, listen."

He turns to Midoriya then, his gaze hardening. 

"Your friend won't make it," he tells the former hero, "the injuries you inflicted on her guarantee her doom."

"She was going to die anyways," Midoriya sneers, a hint of shakiness in his voice. You glance at him, your hands shaking in your lap. 

Nakano is going to die.

Shinimi and her both had a slim chance of survival, but now, she's as good as gone.

 You can't say you know her very well. You killed her fiancé, if that means anything. 

But once again, it's that quiet, creeping sadness, as if it's been there the whole time and has now decided to poke its head out of its shell.

Like a rose with thorns larger than its petals, piercing your skin and tearing through your bones.

You weren't that close to her, but it feels like the beginning of the end. 

The end of this perfect little world you've built yourself, in which you've lied to your heart and everyone around you.

"Izuku," Aizawa says, putting a hand on the boy's shoulder—and that's what Midoriya seems like then, nothing more than a boy—"As a hero you have to consider not only yourself and the person you're fighting, but the people and the environment around you."

Midoriya jerks away from his teacher, that he's known most of his life.

"I'm no hero, Aizawa. That's the part you've gotten wrong."

It feels like you're watching his hopes of returning to normal fall to the ground like shards of glass, crashing at his feet, unable to do anything for the fear of being cut.

He'll never go back to his old life. Both you and him know that.

You hurry and follow him out of the room, not looking back at Aizawa's expression. You can't imagine what his face must look like; what he must be thinking.

A teacher, watching his student descend into madness and colliding with his own bad decisions. 

You, though? You can't help but feel that hope that he lost rising in your chest. If Midoriya can't go back, that means he'll stay with you.

Maybe you're cruel. Maybe you're selfish. But all you need is that reassurance, and that's what you just gained.

Though it's reassurance, sure, it's fragile. One word from his friends and he could run back to them like a dog.

You trail behind the former hero as he walks through the hospital, avoiding everyone's eyes. 

Some look surprised when he walks by. Most look terrified.

For some reason, that look of fear on their faces makes you feel powerful. You can stand beside him, even when he seems scary to a normal person. You're the only one he needs.

You're the only one he needs.

He's all you need.

Your head throbs, a sudden headache coming out of nowhere. You hesitate for a moment, almost tripping while you clutch your head. Midoriya turns, his brows furrowed.

"Are you okay?"

You smile. "I'm fine now."

sorry this chapter is a little short, just been pretty busy lately but I still wanted to post something for you guys. hope you enjoyed despite that! thanks for reading!


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