12| Don't Cry, Because I am Here!

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You've been in the basement for at least four hours.




You pull at the ropes tying you to the leg of the bed, knowing you can't break them but still pulling, jerking, hoping.

Your brother is dead, and you're trapped in an abandoned convenience store. Tied. to. a. bed.

You would be lying if you said you weren't terrified. 

Your heart beats erratically, the sound filling your ears and head. Your body is sweating all over, and your wrists are being rubbed raw from the rope. Your legs are cramping. Your ankle doesn't feel as bad as it did, but why would Midoriya bandage it if he was just going to kidnap you? Is that what this is? A kidnapping?

A prank, perhaps? A nightmare?

You wish, but deep down you know it's real. The scars on Deku's arms. The voice. The hair. It's Deku, you're sure; but why isn't he dead? Why is he acting so strange? 

Your real concern, though, is the police. Your brother. They still have his body, and they probably think you killed him. 

Your phone is crushed. No texts. No proof.

You can feel tears fill your eyes, but you don't hold them back. Everything sucks. Life really sucks right now, so you cry. Loud, ugly, and no holding back.

Your brother is dead. You've been kidnapped. You sprained your ankle, so you can't escape.

Tears fall in blotches down your face, leaving streaks and making your nose run. 

Why did things have to turn out this way?

After a while, light floods the room and Midoriya climbs down the ladder. He must've heard you crying, and, despite your pride, you can't stop. 

Midoriya cocks his head, not saying a word and silently walking over to you. He kneels down, his face level with yours.

"Why are you crying?" He whispers, bringing a hand to your cheek and wiping off a tear. His hand leaves something thick and sticky behind, but you can't wipe it off due to your restraints.

You sniff, ignoring him and jerking your face away from his touch. 

He puts his hand back on your face, jerking it to where your eyes meet his. "Are you hurt anywhere? Did I hurt you?"

Suddenly his touch softens, and he speaks, his eyes glazing over like he's having a flashback. "It's okay," he says, caressing your face with his hand, "Don't cry. I was the last hero who had to die. You're free now. You all are."

He pulls his hand away from you, seemingly satisfied. Only then do you realize what's on his hand. It's thick and red, oozing down his arm.


But it's not his own.

You stomach churns and you want to throw up. What happened? What . . . What did he do?

You can feel the streaks of blood left behind on your cheek, and he smiles at you like you're an injured animal. "Oops," he giggles, bringing his clean hand up to wipe the red off of your cheek.

Your heart beats faster and your eyes widen. You're suddenly horrified by the person in front of you. You have to get out of here.

You jerk your body, pulling on the ropes. They rub at the skin on your wrists, a can feel then start to bleed. The pain soars through your body, and you clench your eyes shut, kicking your legs and swinging your body.

You try. And try.

But you can't break free.

Finally you give up, opening your eyes to see a confused looking Midoriya. "How did those get there?" He mutters, going to untie you.

What? Was it really that easy?

"There we go," Midoriya says, letting you go. You scramble across the ground, not able to dash to the ladder because of your ankle. You wouldn't have been able to climb it anyways.

You're free, but you're still trapped.

Midoriya tilts his head, sitting on the bed you were tied to. "What's wrong?" He asks, lifting a brow and looking genuinely concerned.

What is wrong with this guy?

"Y-you kidnapped me!"  You cry, squeezing yourself into a corner.

"You came here of your own free will, my dear." Your kidnapper says, shrugging.

"Wh-what happened . . . What happened to you?" You ask, shakily pointing to his blood-covered hands, "And what's on your hands?"

Midoriya sighs. "Surely you're smarter than that, darling. It's clearly blood."

"But why? How? I thought you were a hero!"

"Nobody said it was human blood," Midoriya laughs, "although no one said it wasn't either. I guess I understand why you're so scared. But don't worry, because I am here!"

You shudder at the sound of his iconic line that belonged to All Might before him. 

"Please!" You say, not caring how pathetic you sound, "Please let me go! I'm begging you!"

"Really?" Midoriya drawls, clearly bored, "Because If you were begging, you'd be on your knees."

Something sparks inside of you, and you stand up, clenching your fists. You don't think about the consequences, instead you walk up to Midoriya and sock him in the face.

As soon as your fist collides with his face you get a sinking feeling in your stomach, like this was a very bad idea. You hear the snap of his jaw, but Midoriya doesn't fall.

You pull away from him, your heart pounding. 

Midoriya stands there, staring at you.

You back up into the corner, not breaking eye contact.

His jaw is turning red from the punch.

You brace yourself for yelling or pain.

You clench 

your eyes shut.

The room is quiet.

When you open your eyes,

Midoriya doesn't look mad.


a tear 

falls down 

his cheek.

【𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 • 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑】Where stories live. Discover now