25| Quirk War

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"The H.H.H. is extracting dead heroes quirks and then selling them to the quirkless, correct?"

Midoriya nods. "That's it."

"Does this mean they're the ones who killed Hiroto?" You wonder aloud, "We found the capsule in my apartment, which means he bought it . . . "

You sigh, putting your head in your hands. "I don't even know how he'd afford it. They must be crazy expensive, right?"

"Very. To the point of killing others to get one."

Your eyes snap to his. "Say that again."

"To the point of killing each other to get one?" He repeats, tilting his head, "I know there's gang fights over the capsules, such as when the more powerful heroes die, and the fact that heroes don't even die that often."

"Why do they have to take them from just heroes?" You wonder aloud.

He shrugs. "They're easier to get to. They're the H.H.H., and plus, the heroes has more developed quirks. More power, more money they gain."

"Are there really gang wars?" You ask him, "People really kill each other . . . just for quirks? Why hasn't the news covered this?"

"They have."

"What do you mean? I haven't heard of anything like that."

Midoriya sighs. "Quirk wars. Children, killing each other on the streets. I'm sure you've heard of it. The media just doesn't know the whole story."

"W-wait," you stutter, "that's why they fight at night? For quirks?"

"Not exactly, from what I understand," he explains, "I don't think . . . I don't think the children know what they're fighting for. Their parents tell them to, and they do it for their pride. For the glory, you know?"

"Yeah. For their parents' praise, too." You add. He continues.

"But they don't know what happens when they reach the top," he mutters, "when they win it all. When they're unstoppable."

You blink, finally catching on to what he's saying. " . . . and then they extract their quirks and sell them."

"That's what I'm guessing," Midoriya sighs, "although I can't be sure. It just can't be a coincidence that this all happened at once, you know? I think the same person behind the quirk wars is also behind the H.H.H."

"The Agitator." You clench your fists. "But we don't know anything about him."

"That's the problem. That's also why we need that capsule," he smiles, "if we can convince someone that we're trying to sell it or something, maybe we can find the origin."

You chuckle nervously. "Actually, that's the problem. I might've . . . broken the capsule."

Midoriya facepalms, sighing. "You're kidding."

"No," you shake your head, "when you were in the hospital, it broke."

"What was in it? Anything?" He asks.

You nod. "It was like water, except thicker and a way brighter blue."

"However they're extracting the quirks, that's the end result," he thinks aloud, "what happened when it broke? Anything special?"

"It landed on you, and then started to glow. Then you woke up."

His eyes widen. "Wait, what heroes have died recently?"

"Hmmm," you search your memory, "a month ago, some small-time hero died. I think her quirk had something to do with healing, like mine."

"Healing," he mutters to himself, "do you think her quirk woke me up?"

"Damn, that's possible." You shake your head. "What do we do now? How do we stop this? Could we tell the media? The police?"

"I don't think we should," Midoriya stands up, "I knew all this, and I didn't before I was taken. I don't remember why, though . . . "

"If they can extract quirks, then who knows what else they can do," you say to him, "it might be better not to tell anyone for now."


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