50| We are a Nightmare

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present day.

"Wake up, Darling."

A voice stirs you from your sleep, and you open your eyes slowly. Midoriya's face is wearing a smile and his freckles scrunch up around his nose.

"Guess what?" He says, shaking you awake, "We have a plan."

"I feel asleep?" You mutter, leaning up, "Sorry. What'd I miss?"

Shinimi answers, looking uncertain. "I'm not so sure you're gonna like it."

At that, you start to worry, your eyes darting around the room. Your anxiety distracts you from your thoughts of Hiroto, and your dead brother leaves your mind as you analyze the faces of the others with you. "What is it?"

Midoriya scratches the back of his head, sitting beside you. "I think we can find out where the Agitator is if we figure out more about the missing kids' case."

"Yeah? But we don't have access to it."

"But," he says to you, "I can get access. It'd be easy."

You sigh. "Just get to the point."

"If I reveal myself, and tell everyone that I'm alive, wouldn't this be easier to solve?" Midoriya says. "We could even get help from the police and other pro-heroes like Red Riot."

Your eyes widen, and at first you want to protest. Then you realize: it's not really your choice, is it? He's his own person. He can do what he wishes.

"Are you sure about this?" You mumble, looking up at him from under your lashes.

Your breath hitches when he places his hand on yours. "Whatever it takes, remember? We can do this. Plus Ultra!"

With that familiar goofy smile, he looks so happy at that moment, and you wonder why. Everything could fall apart at any moment, and yet, he still smiles.

Your favorite hero, still grinning like everything's fine.

"Alright, I trust you."

At your comment, he clenches his fist. "Okay," he takes a deep breath, "I'll tell them I'm alive. Kirishima already knows, so he can help me."

Shinimi cheers. "Oh, yeah! Time to take down this crazy guy once and for all!"

"Finally," Nakano smiles beside him, "whatever it takes."

You fake a smile, plastering it onto your face. Nobody notices, but Midoriya stares at your mouth, and his smile falls.

He must know, you think as you stand, that I think this is a bad idea.

"I have to go to the bathroom," you stand, "I'll be right back."

You stand, quickly shuffling over to the restroom with a sigh. You shut the door and turn to the sink, flipping it on and splashing water on your face.

What if he's killed when everyone finds out? What if the League comes after him again? 

You wipe your eyes.

What if he leaves you?

You're scared that everything will change. You're scared he'll go back to being a hero, leaving you, Shinimi, and Nakano alone. 

You're so immersed in your thoughts that you don't hear the door click open, and you flinch when Midoriya hugs you from behind.

"Wh-What are you doing?" You blush, squirming in his grasp.

"Don't start to cry," he mumbles, "this is the chapter in the story where everything starts to go our way."

"You're crazy."

"I know, but that never stopped you from kissing me, did it?"

You roll your eyes, looking at him behind you from the mirror. "That's all you came here for, isn't it?"

He shrugs. "You looked sad, so I followed you. What's up?"

"You know why," you grumble. He grins.

"Nope. I'm oblivious."

"I don't want you to leave," you say quietly, hiding your face. His arms hold your waist, and you feel his body pressed against yours as he chuckles.

"What'd you say? I couldn't hear you very well."

"Come on," you groan, "it's not like we're the good guys in this story. Why do I feel so bad about being selfish?"

"In a way, we are the heroes," he says, his breath against your neck, "In the end, that's what we'll be, if everything does go as planned. Is that not what you want?"

"Maybe it used to be."

Midoriya hums against you, his arms tightening around your body. "Since when?"

You let yourself relax in his embrace. "Even before my brother died, I wanted to be a pro-hero when I was a kid. I just wasn't cut out for it. Then he was killed, and I was so . . . angry."

"My mother used to tell me," Midoriya says when you pause, "that anger is a secondary emotion, and when someone is mad, it means they felt something else beforehand. Sad. Confused. Jealous. Hurt."

"Yeah," you mutter, "I was so confused and sad. Why did it have to happen to him? Why did he have to leave me so soon?"

You turn around, leaning against Midoriya's body. He hugs you once again.

You sigh against him, feeling a bit better now that you can talk to him alone. "That's when it started, I think. I had this fire burning in me, telling me that I needed to be the hero for someone; the same hero I couldn't be for my parents. The same hero I couldn't be for Hiroto."

You hold back your tears as you clutch him close to you. "And then I met you. The dead hero, who needed help. I guess I was relieved. It felt like . . . like I could make up for everything by helping you."

"I just thought you had a savior complex."

His blunt comment makes you chuckle, and you pull away, looking at his face for a moment.

"It's just," you say to him, "when you're the hero, everyone expects you to risk your life to defeat evil. But when you're the villain, you're allowed to be selfish."

"So you're scared that I'll leave you to save the world?"

"Would you?"

"Maybe in your dreams, Darling," he whispers, bring his face close to yours, "but our life is a nightmare, and that means I'll never leave your side."

Midoriya kisses you, his lips hot with passion and his hands roaming your body. You pull away and take a breath.

"We are a nightmare."

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