49| Insight

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"If we want to find out more about the missing kids case," Midoriya says, setting his phone down, "I think there's only one way."

At that, everyone sets down their muffins and gets comfortable. Now, it's planning time.

"Are you sure that the Agitator is taking the children?" Nakano asks.

Midoriya nods. "Kirishima even told me that the police found ties between the case and one from around 25 years ago, which was attributed to the Agitator back then, too."

"Damn," you mutter, "this guy's been at it for a while now."

"He is very old, though he was once a prominent businessman. I suppose he got desperate when he . . . "

Nakano slowly stops talking as she realizes everyone is staring at her. 


"You're doing it again."

"What did I do?"

"You're talking like you know him personally," Midoriya says, "like you've even met him."

"Ah, well," she blinks, "I've never met him, but Akinari would always tell me stories about him."

"Wait, wait," Shinimi pipes up, "so Akinari knew him?"

She nods, like it was something you all should've known already. "The Agitator was Akinari's father."


Akinari's . . . father.

You killed the Agitator's son?

"I'm fucked," you mutter, "I'm completely fucked, aren't I? He's gonna kill me."

Nakano seems amused by your reaction. "That would be interesting, though I don't think you have anything to worry about. They weren't biologically related, but he did raise Akinari."

"There must've been some sort of bond, then. Once he finds out I killed his son I don't think he'll be too happy."

"They weren't particularly close," she assures you, "and I doubt he even cares about him now, it's been so long."

"Alright," Midoriya says, "so now we know he raised your partner. What else do you know about him? What lead him to where he is today?"

"Before I say anything else about him, I have something I must confess."

You clench your fists as they sit in your lap. What now?

Nakano looks up, her dark eyes serious. "I am quirkless."

It's silent for a moment, until Midoriya breaks the silence.

"Damn, you just keep dropping bombs on us," he tilts his head in interest, "then what's on your arm? How are you so powerful?"

"I am nothing but a result of his experiments," she explains, her voice flat, "he was a scientist, set out to give quirks for the quirkless. I was his first successful patient."

You watch her eyes as she talks, and the way they flicker from dark brown to a deep blue.

Have they always done that? You think as you glance towards her left arm, and the snake-like thing curled around it. It radiates orange, and glows as she talks.

"That's how I met Akinari. Together, we escaped," Nakano says, "and we never saw him again. We vowed to take him down, whatever it takes."

Midoriya clicks his tongue, leaning up. "Why? If you were his patient, and his work was successful, then why do you want to take him down?"

She looks up at him, her blue eyes boring into his green ones.

"His experiments," she mumbles, "changed me. The way he gives quirks is not safe."

"You even know how he gives them?" Shinimi gasps, "About the capsules and stuff?"

"He takes them from heroes and children, though I don't know how. Whatever he does, it manifests the power into a small pill-like capsule."

"So do you swallow it?" You ask her.

"No," Nakano answers, "the capsule is to be inserted into the palm, where the quirk's power is based, like mine, at my hand."

She holds up her arm, showing the coil around it, that stops at her palm.

"W-Wait," you say suddenly, thinking of your brother, "is there any case where a recipient would be killed and their quirk taken from them?"

"If they failed to pay the dues, I suppose. The Agitator was always sensitive about money."

You remember the hole, carved into Hiroto's dead palm as he lay on the couch. 

He must've failed to pay for the quirk, and so they killed him, and took it back.

"I-I think," you mutter, "I need to lay down."

I drew Nakano 



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