75| The Boy You'd Die For

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[ warning: chapter may contain disturbing images and depictions of self-harm that may upset some readers. viewer discretion is advised. ]

Black, and warm, and deep, like the familiar ocean threatening to fill your lungs.

And along with that conformation, the dark eyes that make your own fill with tears once again, comes a laugh, ripping from your throat as your knees buckle.

That hope that everything was a nightmare disappears, and you're not sure if you should even let yourself be happy. Still, you call his name.


You inhale, choking on the thick, smoke filled air. You didn't notice it until you took a breath. Now it's bringing you back to reality as you cough, your body wrenching forward.

"Shinimi," you gasp, fumbling towards him, "Shinimi."

You say his name, because that's all you can say. You have so many questions: 

how'd he escape? is this real? why is there smoke everywhere? why is he here, instead of the hospital?

"We have to get out of here," you say to him, hugging him close, "I think the building's on fire."

"It won't help," he says, letting his chip bag fall to the floor, "It won't help."

His voice is dry and bland. It holds no emotion, no hint of happiness to see you again. He sounds scared. Scared and hurt.

You drag him out of the supposedly burning building, the scent of ash never leaving his clothes. The smell burns your nose, the familiar smell of smoke. It chokes you, and even as you shut the door to the store it still lingers.

"Shinimi," you gasp, sitting down with him, "Are you okay? How'd you get away?"

Your heart stings; this feels oddly familiar. You think of the illusion of Shinimi, who Midoriya stabbed in the back. But this time, it's different.

It's different now. This is real.

Shinimi winces everytime he moves, his face wrinkled in pain and discomfort. 

"It hurts," he mumbles, "it hurts so much."

You place your hands on his arm, activating your quirk, pouring everything you can into healing this broken boy. No smile appears on his face, however, and there's no sigh of relief from his lips. 

Your head starts to throb again, and you let your hands fall to the ground.

"Where's Nakano?" Shinimi strains, "And Midoriya? Are they okay?"

You can't even nod. "I don't know."

"Kano,"--he flinches--"must be hurting, too."

His voice is quiet, barely above a whisper. His breath hitches every time his chest rises, and you can't bear watching his face contort in pain.

"What do you mean?" You ask him, a silent tear falling down your cheek.

"Liquid Fire," he mumbles, "It hurts so bad. We always used to hurt at the same time."

You think of Nakano, who's probably in the hospital, suffering herself. No doubt she'll be dead soon, from both the Liquid Fire and the injuries Midoriya gave her. You're not sure how to feel. You should feel sad, right? Knowing she'll be dead? But instead you feel that empty, ocean feeling; so familiar, yet deadly, like torture flowing through your veins.

【𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 • 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑】Where stories live. Discover now