45| Fight for What You Care for

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You watch, helpless, as Midoriya and Shinimi dodge the objects being launched at them from inside the building.

Shinimi's eyes are wide. Why isn't he using his quirk?  You think, your fists clenched at your sides. 

Neither of the boys enter the building, only staring through the opening. It makes you wonder what's inside.

You hate not being able to help them; it's not as if you think they need your help, it's just the fact that anything could happen at any moment. They could get hurt again. They could die. It's maddening.

Your eyes drift to the old bar, and to the door on the side. 

A smile creeps across your face. You've always been good at sneaking around, right? And what better than a sneak attack now?

If you get hurt, it's fine. You're a healer. It doesn't matter, as long as they're okay.

You creep alongside the building, the door creaking open to reveal that you're behind the counter. This must've been an employee's exit.

There are no chairs or tables. It's just an empty, abandoned bar. 

Your eyes widen. Maybe not, you think when you see the guns. They're untouched, though, and your fingers itch to grab one. 

You slip the smallest one into your palm, the weight of it in your hand intoxicating. Something this small, this insignificant, could kill any normal man with just the pull of a trigger.

Something about that fact makes you carry it with you, looking around the dark bar some more. 

Are the attackers using guns? You think. Surely not. That blast in the door was bigger than a bullet hole.

It's only when you spot them that your heart starts to pound.

A man and a woman.

The latter has something snaking up her arm, curling around it like a spring. The blasts echo from around her, sending something flying towards Midoriya and Shinimi.

The man, however, does hold a gun. A big one. 

Why isn't he using it? Surely a bullet would be harder to dodge than whatever this woman is shooting from her arm.

He only watches, his finger resting on the trigger as his foot taps on the floor of the bar.

They're both obviously pissed, which means Shinimi could've killed them by now, so why hasn't he? 

As you look towards him, the teen looks scared. Terror is etched into his eyes.

Midoriya only looks mad, but he's too focused on dodging to use his quirk. You can tell that he knows the man has a gun, and he's playing along to whatever game they want.

You look down at the gun in your hand.

You can't shoot them both at once. That's impossible unless you had two guns, and the others were all too big to hold with one hand.

If you shot the woman first, the man would only shoot you. If you shot the man first, the woman would use her arm-thingy to take you down.

You can't say you have the same reflexes as Midoriya and Shinimi.

You frown. Looks like you won't get the chance to use the gun, for now.

You slip it in your bag, instead grabbing a plank from the rotting floor. They don't hear it though, due to the woman's Earth-shaking blasts.

Your ears are ringing from being in such close proximity to the blasts, and your heart pounds, adrenaline pumping through your veins as you inch closer.

The two attackers don't speak to each other, they don't even look at each other; only at the targets before them.

You feel a rushing sense of satisfaction as you raise the board, positioning it to where you can hit them both at once.

At that moment, you lock eyes with Midoriya. His emerald ones widen, and you smile, bringing the board down onto the back of the attackers' heads.

The man immediately falls to the ground, blood spilling from his skull, but the woman barely flinches.

She doesn't turn around, but keeps blasting at your friends.

Midoriya and Shinimi look frustrated, unable to do anything for you but dodge the woman's quirk.

She pulls a gun from her pocket, slowly lifting her arm and pointing it at you. 

"Don't move or I'll shoot."

"Do it, then," you mumble, "shoot me."

At that, she turns around, and Midoriya and Shinimi take their chances, lunging forward at the monster-like woman before you.

The rest feels like slow motion as you watch her finger pull the trigger, and you await the sound of the gunshot, but something knocks you both to the ground. 

The gun flies from her hand as you both hit the floor.

You look up, your vision blurry. It's Midoriya, the familiar green light surrounding him as he holds his hand out.

You smile. He made such a big blast, with a single finger, and he's unharmed. The same move you used to watch him use on TV whenever he didn't want to kill the villain he was fighting.

Smart, you think, he knows we're gonna have to interrogate her. Hopefully it doesn't turn out like Horyo did, though.

Shinimi still looks like he can't use his quirk, so he runs over to you, helping you up. You grab the woman's gun from the ground.

The teenager's eyes widen as you point it at her, and she glares at you from her spot on the floor. The thing snaked around her arm glows a bright yellow, almost like lightning. 

Midoriya walks over to her, pinning her down. Her chest is pressed against the floor as he holds her arms behind her back.

Your hands are still as you point the gun at her. You jerk your head to the man's body on the floor. "Shinimi, see if he's dead."

The red-haired teen nods, leaning down to press fingers to the man's neck.

"There's a pulse," he says, standing, "it's faint, but it's there."

"Alright," you hum as you stare at the woman at your feet, "kill him."

The woman's eyes widen, her voice hard even as she pleads. "Stop. Please don't kill him."

At that, Shinimi hesitates, glancing at you as he backs away from the defenseless man. 

You tilt your head. "Shinimi? Kill him. He was trying to kill you guys."

"He wasn't the one shooting at us," Shinimi mumbles, "he didn't hurt anyone."

"Shinimi," Midoriya says from on top of the woman, "he's with the Agitator. They took your brother."

"My brother went with them willingly. This man didn't do any"

You sigh, pointing your gun at the man and firing a quick shot. The sound of it rattles your head, but you still watch as more blood soaks the floor.

"Now," Midoriya sighs, looking down at the captive, "are we gonna have to do this the hard way?"

【𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 • 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑】Where stories live. Discover now