52| We're Not Heroes

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"Come with me."

Your eyes drift away from Iida, who's hugging Midoriya, and land on the police officer sitting quietly. You hesitate, not moving. 

She nods at Shinimi, drawing his attention as well. Her voice is quiet as to not disturb the reunion. 

Nakano looks up also, a glare resting on her face. 

"You three. Come with me."

Your body stiffens, and you glance at your friends. 

Nakano stands first, easing your nerves. For some reason, you find comfort in the way she moves without faltering. 

You follow her lead, nodding at Shinimi. He sighs, but stands also, looking as suspicious as you feel.

The police officer leads you all to a room, disconnected from where Midoriya is. You look back before she closes the door, watching him fade into the distance.

The room is cold.

Goosebumps rise on your skin. 

There are three chairs, and you almost flinch when the freezing metal touches the skin of your legs. 

"I am Officer Nakuru."

She walks to the front of the room, her back turned. 

Officer Nakuru spins around quickly, her finger pointed straight at your face.

"Your brother was killed not too long ago. The culprit was never concluded," she says, her mouth turning down. She doesn't look angry or sad, but more disgusted. "You were going to be questioned, but you fled the scene and evaded the police. That fact alone is worth time in prison."

You clench your fists at your side. What's this girl's deal?

She points at Nakano next. 

"And you," the officer scowls, "were seen destroying a bar with a man your age. You also trespassed. That's a crime, in case you didn't know."

The dark-skinned girl doesn't flinch, but her breath hitches when the lady mentions Akinari.

"And finally," Nakuru says, turning to Shinimi, "you. You're a murderer that we couldn't catch. Why'd you come here so easily?"

The teenager stares her in the face, not the least bit intimidated.

"My friends," he says, "they needed me."

"Well, how sweet. I could send you and every one of your friends to jail."

You stand up at her words, pushing your chair backwards. The room is quiet as it clatters to the floor.

"What are you saying?" You sneer, "What do you guys want from us?"

"I find that people cooperate easier when their crimes sit fresh in their minds." Nakuru sighs, her face looking tired. 

She crosses the room, picking up your chair.

"Join us," the officer says, "then maybe we'll all survive this nightmare."

Her words echo in the empty air, reverberating through your head. You don't sit; your limbs are locked in place.

"Officer, what's your quirk?" You ask her, looking up. 

"Freeze," she answers, "that's why it's so cold in here."

At that, Shinimi speaks up, his face holding intrigue.

"Why are you so scared?"

Her face darkens, as if remembering she's scared in the first place. Though her voice is steady when she replies, sweat drips down her brow.

"The Agitator," she says, "is building an army."

"How do you know all this? How are you sure?" Nakano almost growls, frowning. "The Agitator I knew wanted everything but an army."

"And why would you need us?" You huff, "Just enlist the heroes."

"The more people we have, the better. If you've evaded the police force for this long without capture, it proves your skills."

"And," Shinimi rolls his eyes, "you don't care if we live or die. We'll go to prison anyways. That's the real reason you want our help. If the heroes die, that's a big deal. But us?"

Nakuru clenches her jaw. "I'll lift all charges if you help us. You won't go to jail if we succeed."

"You've been nothing but rude," you sigh, "we have no reason to help."

"Please, it's for the good of the city!" 

Nakano and Shinimi join you, standing.

"I'm afraid you're mistaken, Officer," you furrow your brows, hand on the door to leave, " . . . we're not heroes."


You call out his name, but it's almost like he can't hear you. He only laughs with his friends.

His real friends.

We're not heroes, but he is.

He turns around, as if he can hear your thoughts, with a smile on his happy face.

"Hey," Midoriya says, his hair bouncing as he walks over to you, "they caught him!"

You tilt your head. "What?"

"They caught the Agitator!"

【𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 • 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑】Where stories live. Discover now