44| Not Anymore

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The sign hanging above the building is rusted, the name "Sparky's" spelled out in giant golden letters. It clings above the door like it's about to fall, and the double-doored entrance only creaks when Shinimi tries to open it.

The teen shakes his head, his red hair falling over his eyes as a sigh escapes his lips. "Should we just break it down? I don't hear anyone in—"

As if mocking Shinimi's words, a gunshot rings through the air, thundering through the sky of Tokyo. Your ears ring as Midoriya, who's standing beside you, grabs your shirt and pulls you down.

Heart pounding in your ears, you shrug Midoriya off of you, looking around for Shinimi with a clenched jaw. Only one thought rings through your head as you stand.

Not again. Haven't we been through enough today?

"Stay down!" Midoriya calls out, reaching for you again, "That sounded like a gun!"


You can't even hear Midoriya as you stagger towards the teen, who was right in front of the blast. 

A hole, way bigger than any bullet you've seen, left behind by whatever tore through the door.

A groan emits from the teen as he writhes on the sidewalk, blood coating the concrete in thick maroon. You don't speak, but you roll him over, putting your hands on his shoulder, where it seems to be coming from.

Midoriya comes up behind you, picking him up as you keep your hands on Shinimi's shoulder. Your quirk doesn't make the blood disappear.

"It didn't hit any organs," you say as Midoriya sets him down, "I think I can heal him. What was  that?"

He shakes his head, his voice a low growl. "I don't know. But I'm going to go find out."

You nod as he walks off, getting to work on the bleeding teenager. 

Tears run down his face, dampening his cheeks and making his freckles shine like stars under the street lights. 

"Shit," you say as you take his shirt off to look at the wound, "I've never tried to heal a gunshot before. If that's even what it was."

You wipe your hands on your clothes, not wanting to get the wound infected with grime. Blood licks the edges of the hole, and you take a deep breath.

"This might hurt a bit, Shinimi. I'm sorry this had to happen to you again."

"I-It's not," he huffs, "your fault."

"Keep talking to me. Keep talking, okay?"

Another crack, something flying through the air. It's not directed at Shinimi this time, though, but Midoriya, who managed to dodge whatever it was. 

A blur, whizzing past his face at his green eyes grow dark. 

The entrance to Sparky's is completely gone now, only a hole where the doors used to be. 

Your eyes are locked onto Midoriya as he stands his ground, but when another shot echoes on the walls of the buildings, you turn back to Shinimi.

"He'll be fine. We can trust him, remember? We can trust him not to be hurt."

Shinimi blinks, his mouth turning up into a small, reassuring grin. "Are you telling that to me or yourself? I'm not worried about him. He's strong."

Even at a time like this, you think to yourself, he manages to smile.

You nod your head, looking down at your hands pressed against his wound. His blood is warm.

"It may take a bit. I've never healed a wound like this before," you explain to him, trying to keep him focused on something other than the bleeding. His face is wrinkled in pain, though, telling you that you're not doing a good job.

"Hurry," he whispers, "there's someone inside the building."

"Really? How do you know?" You question to keep him talking. 

"They're both angry that Midoriya is dodging their attacks. They don't want to come out into the open."

"Don't worry, just like you told me. He'll be fine."

"They're . . . different. I-I'm starting to worry. They're mad. Real mad."

Another pow, signaling another attack towards Midoriya.

Shinimi's breathing grows quicker, and you can tell the loss of so much blood is affecting him. 

His body is starting to freak out, and he's blaming it on worry for his friend's safety.

You're tongue-tied as your heart aches, and panic starts to wrap around you, like a snake. You can't breathe. The air is thick as it enters your body, clogging your lungs like the smoke from the hotel fire.

No. No, I can fix this. I just need to heal him.

You take a deep breath, inhaling what feels like poison, pressing harder onto Shinimi's bloody shoulder. He whimpers and you mutter a quiet sorry.

For Shinimi. For Midoriya.

You close your eyes, directing everything into your hands, connecting the teen's wound with your skin. 

Blood. Tissue. Skin. Life, etched into every inch of every human, coming together naturally when torn, and all you can do is speed up that process.

The wound on his shoulder comes together, tissue reforming and muscles repairing themselves. 

You open your eyes, staring down at Shinimi, who's skin is void of any wounds. He's not crying anymore, though his cheeks are wet.

His wipes them with a palm, and you help him up. Throwing his shirt back on, he hugs you quickly, looking back towards Midoriya.

"Thank you. I'm not worried anymore."

【𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 • 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑】Where stories live. Discover now