21| Trust

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"It's never . . . I mean, it normally only works on me," you tell him, looking at his arm, "it didn't even work on my brother when I used to try."

Midoriya only shrugs. "Thanks," he smiles.

"But I just don't get it—"

But then he says something that practically makes your heart stop. Something you never thought he'd say, especially with such an innocent look on his face.

"Maybe it's fate."

"Or maybe we're two idiots who are about to die!" You shout, pulling him down, "Look out!"

The moment is ruined by a foot, flying at Midoriya's face. You press your body against his, shielding him from the attacker. 

The stranger hits the wall, colliding with the bricks and the metal of the fire escape. You grab Midoriya's arm once again, screaming over the noise of the wind and traffic below.

"Do you trust me?"

He stares at you eyes wide, jerking his arm from your hand. He looks down, at the cars speeding by, then above. The dark clouds signal an oncoming storm, and the moon hangs like a noose in the sky. He smiles before giving an answer.

"I trust you!"

He grabs your hand.

And you jump.

"Midoriya. Midoriya, wake up."

You shake his shoulder, your body aching from the fall. You want to make sure he's okay before healing yourself, though.

You look up at the fire escape from where you jumped. It's not that high; not high enough to kill someone or break any bones. You landed in the backseat of an open convertible, of which you aimed the jump. You're not a complete idiot. Plus, you're a healer.

You can see the attacker stand up, looking down for you and Midoriya.

You drag your partner from the seat, huddling in the floor of the car. Concealed by the darkness, the stranger gives up his search, grunting and then finally leaving.

You let out a breath, your hands shaking. You put Midoriya in the seat, poking his face.

"Dude," you say, "wake up."

His eyes flutter open, and he groans. "What the . . . ?"

"Okay, tell me where it hurts, Midoriya," you ask, holding out your hands, "I'll heal you."

"M-My back," he mutters, leaning up, "what happened?"

"We might've . . . um . . . " you clear your throat, "we just jumped from that fire escape."

He blinks.

"Are you crazy?"

"Oh sheesh, look who's talking, Mr. Perfect," you snarl, helping him up, "you faked your own death."

【𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 • 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑】Where stories live. Discover now