57| Desperate

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"This is the place." Shinso says, "The place where they take the memories."

You take Shinimi's hand, and Nakano follows behind as you enter the room. It's large, but empty save a few chairs and a single potted plant. 

Across it, on the far wall from the door, is a glass panel, showing the next room over where a single chair sits in the middle.

"Midoriya!" You cry, spotting him in the corner with Kirishima.

He seems shocked to see you, but when he turns a smile is on his face.

"Are you okay?" You quickly ask, your brows furrowed.

"Of course," he answers, "why wouldn't I be?"

Kirishima pats Shinimi on the back, glad to see him again. "Hey, kiddo."

Nakano stands awkwardly in the corner.

You wave her over, worry coating your features. You take Midoriya's sleeve and edge him away from Kirishima, who's still talking with Shinimi. You watch the teenager's eyes sparkle as he looks up at his favorite hero.

He's so . . . hopeful. Even as the world crumbles around him, he still sees his heroes and smiles.

You have to say, he reminds you a bit of Midoriya.

"We need to talk," you say to him, pleading with your eyes. He smiles warmly.

"Whatever you need, Darling."

Your heart stings. "Are you . . . are you going to let them erase your memories? Would you forget everything?"

"I would," he says, his face falling, "I would forget everything from that day until now. I'd lose months of my life."

"So?" Nakano chimes in, "Are you planning to do it?"

"I . . . " Midoriya runs a hand through his hair, " . . . I don't know."

At his words, everything crumbles. Your heart feels like it's about to explode.

"Are you okay?" He asks you, taking your hand.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," you lie, "you have so much to go back to. You have a life and tons of friends waiting for you."

He doesn't look happy. "I . . . I know."

"You should do it," you force a smile, "if it'll make you happy."

"Hey," Midoriya says, placing a hand on your shoulder, "don't lie to me. You don't have to. I trust you. We promised, remember?"

For some reason, that's the exact words you needed to hear. 

" . . . I trust you. We promised, remember?"

You break down for the second time that day, falling to the ground in a wreck of tears. 

"W-we promised," you sob, telling him the truth, "you told me th-that we'd stay together. I don't want you to forget me. P-please don't forget me!"

He kneels down, crouching on the floor with you.

"I won't," he whispers, his arms wrapping around your shaking body, "I won't forget you. I won't leave. I thought . . . "

You look at his face, that's red from his quiet tears. They slide down his cheeks from seeing you cry, and from the assumptions he'd made himself believe.

" . . . I thought you wanted me to leave."

"Why would I want that, dumbass?" You sniff, still crying, "I love you. Oh my god, I love you. Please stay with me."

"I'll stay," he replies, clutching you tighter, "I'll stay with you. I love you too."

It must be awkward for everyone else in the room: Kirishima and Shinso especially, watching you two bawl like babies. 

Shinimi walks over, though, helping you up with tears in his eyes.

"Group hug?"

You encase him in your arms, and then Midoriya joins in too, and you're all crying again.

"I-I'm sorry," Shinimi says, "for never letting you cry."

"I'm sorry for always trying to be the hero."  You sob.

The teenager looks up for a moment, eyeing Nakano who's just standing there, watching.

"Group hug means group hug, you dumb dumb," he says through his tears, "get over here."

"I-I'm not—" She stutters, her face turning red. Midoriya grabs her, though, forcing her into the mess of a hug. It doesn't take long for her to wrap her long arms around all three of you.

She doesn't sob, but you swear you see her shed a few tears.

She cries for her fiancé, lost in cold blood and rage. 

Shinimi cries for his brother, for his whereabouts unknown. 

You and Midoriya cry for each other, selfish, desperate tears, for a world where everything might be okay.

Cold streaks of feelings held in for too long, in all four of you. 

The fake array of glass walls fall in that moment, and you four grow closer than ever. Shards of glass litter the floor, however, and walls can't be rebuilt.

【𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 • 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑】Where stories live. Discover now