68| Normal

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Kirishima brings you two into the conference room, where the heroes are still chatting from the last meeting. He explains the situation, and then tells you and Midoriya to tell them everything you know about the suspect.

"I think Shinimi said his brother was 17 one time," you tell the heroes in the room, "and he's definitely got a strong quirk."

"When we met the kid, the hospital crashed to the ground," Midoriya smirks as everyone leans forward in interest, "but it was just an illusion."

"Do you know how his quirk works?" Aizawa asks, lifting a brow.

"He can control epinephrine," the ex-hero explains, "it's the chemical released in your brain when you're scared or angry. Using this, he makes you see things. It's crazy."

The heroes in the room are speechless. Then, the person you least expected to speaks up.

"That's fucked up," Dynamight says, leaning back in his chair, "this whole case is."

Midoriya rolls his eyes. "Finally something we can agree on."

Small chuckles erupt around the room, despite the tense situation. Kacchan scowls.

"Whatever, you damn nerd."

Aizawa holds up a hand, stopping him. "We're not in high school anymore. This is the real world, kids. Listen up."

Everyone perks up, apparently used to seeing the underground hero taking charge.

"We don't know anything about Kurai's character. He could've taken his brother to kill him. He could've taken his brother to rule alongside him. He might just want to take his quirk. Whatever he wants, we can't let it happen. We have to take action immediately."

Everyone nods in agreement. 

"The Agitator," Todoroki speaks up, "is at the See It All Cinema in the next town over."

Everyone looks at the hero, questions waiting in their mouths. Dynamight says what everyone's thinking, though not in the same way anyone else would say it.

"How do ya know that, Half-n-Half?" He sneers, "The interrogation? We all know that guy could be spitting shit. You wanna go off whatever he says?"

"I know that because of Shinso."

Everyone turns to the lavender-haired hero, who hadn't been able to get anything from the interrogation thus far. The suspect refused to speak to the hero, making Shinso unable to control his mind and get the real truth out.

"With the help of Tsuyu and Shoto," Shinso smirks, "I was able to finally use my quirk."

Uravity leans forward in interest. "Really? What did you guys do to him? He seemed pretty stubborn."

The three glance at each other, then all nod. Shoto smirks.

"That doesn't matter as of now."

You lift a brow, almost wanting to laugh. Whatever happened in that interrogation room, it got the stubborn subject to talk, and Shinso was able to use his mind control.

"So you're sure?" Aizawa asks, not questioning the trio's actions, "the Agitator's HQ is the See It All Cinema?"

The three of them nod. 

"He didn't provide many details," Shinso says to Aizawa, "but that's because he didn't know much himself."

"That's such a weird place, though," Ochaco chimes, "why a cinema?"

Midoriya answers her then, the first time he's spoken since the beginning of the meeting. 

"Easy. Because it's full of civilians," the green-haired man shrugs, "and mostly teenagers work there. You think they'd care enough to notice suspicious people in the movie theater? I doubt it. Plus, who would've thought? I bet the police have never searched any cinema before."

You nod in agreement, though everyone else looks impressed by his answer, and surprised he even spoke up in the first place.

Something bubbles up inside you; a sour feeling as you glance around the room. So many eyes.

"Alright, we know where they're at," you stand, "let's go."

"We can't just barge in there," Tsuyu says softly, furrowing her brows, "we need a plan."

Midoriya stands with you, his eyes sharp. "The sooner we strike, the better."

Dynamight quirks a brow, leaning forward. "The two of us should know best how not having a plan turns out. It all goes to hell."

"It all goes to hell eventually," Deku replies.

"He's right, Deku!" Ochaco protests, "We need more people, at least. Who knows how many the Agitator has by his side."

Aizawa seems amused by the bickering, but is annoyed quickly. He exhales with a sigh. 

"While you've been arguing," the hero says, "I've called backup, both police and high ranking pros."

"So we're just going without a plan?" Kirishima asks.

"Don't worry, I've already got one." He grins, showing his teeth, "Midoriya is right; it all goes to hell eventually. So instead of waiting until that happens, let's send them there ourselves."

The heroes voice is laced with anger, and you realize that he's lost things too. Of course he has. Everyone in this room has.

You're not the only one with something to fight for. With something you've lost. Maybe that's what you've forgotten to remind yourself throughout the last year. 

"All right!" Kirishima cheers, pumping a fist. Bakugou joins him with a shout.

"Let's send them to hell!"

Red riot laughs. "Oooh, that doesn't sound very heroic."

"Let's put an end to this," Shoto says. Shinso nods in agreeance.

You look around at the heroes in the room, full of vigor and determination. 

Maybe things can go back to normal.

【𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 • 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑】Where stories live. Discover now