35| It's Definitely You

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"We can't get him that one," you say to Shinimi, rolling your eyes, "we're trying to make him blend in, not look crazy."

"What do you mean? Red isn't crazy."

You look at the spiky red wig in his hand. "Well he'll look like Red Riot if we wears that. We don't want to draw attention to ourselves."

"Red Riot is awesome," the teenager says, putting the wig back on the shelf, "I don't see what's wrong with his hair . . . "

You laugh, smiling. "Is that why your hair is dyed red? Red Riot was always one of my favorite heroes, too."

His cheeks warm up. "R-Red brings out my eyes."

"Really? Sounds like you're a little fanboy," you tease. "Don't worry, I think it's cool. Super manly, if you ask me. It's just better if we find something inconspicuous for Midoriya."

Shinimi sighs, setting down a green mop-looking wig he chose. "Fine. I guess you're right."

You pick up a black, plain looking one, checking the price.

"This one will do," you say, showing Shinimi. He holds up the moppy neon green one again, pleading with his eyes.

You shrug, grinning. "Looks like we have to buy both of them since we can't decide on just one."

The red-haired teen smiles triumphantly.

Midoriya furrows his brows, looking down at the wig. "Seriously? This is the only one you could find?"

You hold back a laugh as Shinimi nods. 

"You'd be surprised," the teen explains, "the others we found were way crazier."

Midoriya sighs, eyes flicking between you and Shinimi before he puts it on his head. Turning to you, his face blank, he tilts his head. "How do I look?"

You quickly pull out your new phone, snapping a picture and letting your laugh out. "Y-You look like you put a mop on your head!" You chuckle, saving the picture.

Midoriya's face flares red and he pulls the wig off as Shinimi cackles.

You pull out the real one you bought for his disguise, handing it to him with a smile. "Sorry. I just felt like we could all use a little cheering up."

He takes it from you. "It's fine. This one is still way better, though."

It's a normal, black wig with a simple style. 

"Try it on!" You say, clapping your hands. He grins, putting it on his head and striking a pose.

"For real this time," he asks, "how do I look?"

"Pretty normal," Shinimi tells him, "though your freckles stand out a bit."

"Eh, whatever." Midoriya shakes the wig off of his head. "I'm more concerned about how easily this comes off."

"Oh! I can fix that," you say to him, pulling some bobby pins out of your bag. "Bend down a little."

He does so, his face close to yours as you secure the wig in his hair. Tucking the green strands into the wig, you try to avoid his eyes, but you can feel his gaze.

Your cheeks turn red. "Why are you staring? Are the bobby pins poking you?"

"No, it's you," he whispers, "it's definitely you."

You stumble backward a bit, taking your hands from his hair. "W-Well I th-think it looks good now."

Shinimi tilts his head in confusion at your reaction. He must not have heard Midoriya's comment. "Yeah? It should be fine like this."

You take a deep breath, taking a look at your work. All of Midoriya's green hair is successfully hidden, and the wig falls over his eyes, making them seem smaller. His ears also stick out a bit more, since the wig is thinner than his actual hair.

"Alright!" Shinimi says, smiling, "Time to go to Tokyo!"

【𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 • 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑】Where stories live. Discover now