54| The Day He Died

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Shinimi tilts his head, like a confused puppy taken away from his food. Once you look at him, though, it's like he understands what he's supposed to do.

Just like back then with Horyo. Now, all we need is answers.

You shiver remembering what happened back then at the hotel. This time, you're hoping for a more, well, positive outcome, if anything.

You look up at Shinso, who's sitting calmly without a care. 

Your foot starts to tap on the ground, and sweat forms at your brow. You suddenly wish Midoriya were here, also. Someone to lean on would be nice.

tap tap tap tap tap.

Shinimi sighs, slouching in his chair. "So what's up?"

"We've captured the Agitator," Shinso replies.

tap tap tap tap tap.

"But you said that he died," the teenager says, "and the police officer from before acted like he was still at large, and said he was building an army. Lemme ask again. What's up?"

"the Agitator is building an army," Shinso replies, with the same tone and voice as before.

You nudge Shinimi. "Is he lying?"

"I-I can't—," the teen stutters, "I can't tell. He's not nervous at all."

"I am a hero," Shinso says abruptly, "I deal with scarier things than the likes of you. I know what you've done. I know full well that you've probably killed people to get here. But I'm not scared of you, and I'm not scared of lying to you."

Your foot freezes, right before hitting the ground again. Shinso's words sink in; he's right. He must be completely calm since Shinimi can't sense his fear, or even worry. 

This man is not afraid. 

"But," the hero says, leaning forward, "I am a hero. My interest is in the good of the city. So, I will tell you the truth. I just wanted you to know that I can lie at any time I'd like, and you'd all have no idea."

"How do we know you will not lie to us from now onward?" Nakano asks him.

"It's simple. Trust." Shinso smiles. "Just like how I'm trusting that you three won't attack me, and won't lie to me in turn, I can promise the same to you."

Really, this man has no reason to lie, you think, and he's a hero. Of course he has the best outcome in mind. Right?

"So now," the purple-haired hero says, "I want you to forget everything you've heard about the Agitator. Erase your current image of the villain and listen to me."

You're not sure if it's his quirk or the commanding nature of his speech, but you listen to him immediately.

The way his dark eyes stare you down make you believe him, as if he would never lie to you.

"The man in charge died, and now the world he left behind is racing to take his place," Shinso tells you, "his second in command is but a child, and they do not trust that he is ready to bear the load of leadership as the Agitator once did. Currently, the enemy is in complete disarray, with no leader and a failing business. Instead of taking children off the streets, their second in command is kidnapping children from wealthy families."


"No one knows," he answers, "but it's our job to find out."

"So . . . did you capture the Agitator? What did you mean by that before?" Shinimi questions.

"That's also how we got all of this information. We've caught a member of the Loop, and he's been telling us all this out of his own anger towards the second in command. Apparently, though, nobody in the Loop even knows who the child is."

"The Loop?" You say, "What's that?"

"Their method of stealing quirks. It's a pattern, also what the stealers refer to themselves as. No one has told us how they do it, but we have our detectives interrogating this guy like there's no tomorrow. He'll tell us soon, I'm sure."

"Time for the question of the hour," Shinimi starts.

Nakano finishes for him, her words delivered like a blow to the chest. 

"What does this all have to do with us?" 

Of course, you all have your reasons as to why you want to bring down this whole charade, but what would you get if you helped the police? 

"You would all be pardoned from your crimes, and the Agitator would fall once and for all." Shinso shrugs with a grin. "Isn't that what we all really want?"

You clench your fists in your lap. "What about Midoriya? Why are you lying to him and not us?"

The hero's eyes go soft, and his features turn sad. "Izuku is . . . a complicated case. Everyone thinks he's dead, and we don't intend on changing that until he's better."

"What do you mean," you growl, "'better'?"

"Izuku Midoriya is ill. He needs help." Shinso says. "And to get that help, we have to keep on lying to him, until the Agitator is defeated."

"What?" Shinimi says, "He's perfectly fine as he is! He can fight with us!"

Shinso frowns. "That man is mentally wounded. There is something wrong with him. I'm sure you've noticed."

All the times he broke down flash in your mind, along with his drastic changes in personality since you've known him. Every time he went from happy, to angry, to bawling on the floor.

He seemed better, though. He got better. Right?

"How do you know he wants help? He's fine." You say. "He's fine."

"You haven't known him as long as I have," Shinso sighs, "and he wants this, I know. We all signed the papers. It was just him and Bakugo that are having to go through with it."

"Papers?" Nakano says quizzically. 

"After All Might died, there was one last case with the League before they disappeared. It's classified. I can't tell you any more."

"Trust, remember?" You say, "You can trust us."

Shinso chuckles. "I'm not so sure about that."

"Months," you mutter, "I've been with Midoriya for months, wandering around and looking for clues and getting attacked by strangers. I've known him, and I've seen him, and I'm not stupid. We've all been through a lot together. We're not some strangers, not some random thugs from the street, that came looking for answers. We're in this shit, and we're in it deep, and if we don't know the whole story then I don't think we can help you."

The hero blinks, his mouth turning up into a smile.

"Well then," he says, "you're not as dull as you look."

You huff, crossing your arms.

"Fine. I'll tell you."

He leans forward, resting his chin on his hands.

"I'll tell you about the day Midoriya died."

【𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 • 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑】Where stories live. Discover now