32| The Eyes of a Hero

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Midoriya shrugs. "Probably kills the kids. Nothing else to do with them."

Shinimi brings his hands to his face, hiding his expression, then muttering something quietly. "They kill them?"

"W-We're not for sure," you say to the teen, furrowing your brows, "but that's just the most likely outcome."

"Does that mean," Shinimi looks up, his eyes teary, "that my brother's dead?"

"Y-Your brother?"

You inhale, clenching your fists to your side. He lost his brother, just like you lost Hiroto.

Shinimi hides his face, his hands pressed to the cold concrete of the bank's steps.

"He had a quirk like mine," Shinimi mutters, "but he knew how to use it better than I did. That's how he reached the top and got to go with the Agitator."

That must be why this kid is working so hard, you think to yourself, he just wants to see his brother in Tokyo.

Shinimi's voice is dry. "But now he's dead."

Midoriya suddenly scoots over from his spot on the steps, placing a hand on the red-haired teen's back.

"He could be alive," he says, standing up, "we're only making assumptions here. We don't know for sure that the Agitator kills them. And if your brother is as powerful as you say he is, then who knows? Maybe he escaped."

Shinimi looks up at Midoriya, his eyes wet with tears. "Yeah," he mutters, standing up, "yeah, you could be right."

You look up at them both.

Shinimi is wiping his eyes while Midoriya smiles at him, telling him to take deep breaths.

You stand up, eyes drifting to the former hero.

He's smiling, his lips turned up slightly as his hand pats the teenager's back. His emerald eyes are empathetic and soft.

Those are the eyes of a hero. A hero who is used to comforting victims and helping people and knows just what to say to calm someone down. A hero who has been through it all himself, and knows what it's like to hurt.

"Don't worry," you say to Shinimi, "we're going to Tokyo and we're going to find your brother."

He nods. "Even if he's dead. Even if he's dead, I have to know."

You can tell that saying the words hurt his heart, and that he's still holding on to Midoriya's words of encouragement.

So you hug the teen, and his body stiffens for a moment, but then he chokes back a sob and melts into your arms.

"I-I won't believe it," he sniffs, "He can't b-be dead. I have t-to see him again."

You hug him tighter, staying silent, knowing very well that his brother is probably long gone.

But you don't let go of the broken boy in your arms. You let him cry into your shoulder, clenching your eyes shut.

You're surprised when another set of arms wraps around you from behind.

"Group hug?" Midoriya whispers, burying his face into your other shoulder.

He's probably still shaken up after seeing Dynamight again, you think to yourself, maybe he just needed a hug too.

"Yeah," you reply quietly, "group hug."

"Time to go to Tokyo."

Both you and Shinimi turn to Midoriya, blinking.

"I'm broke," you say to him, "did you not hear me? My brother took all the money. It's gone. Poof."

You're all still standing outside of the bank, and after your group hug the mood has lifted. Everyone's tears are dry, and now, all you have to do is look forward.

Midoriya sighs. "Guys, did you forget?"

You glance at Shinimi and he shrugs, as confused as you are.

The green-haired man smirks. "I was the number one hero. Which means?"

Shinimi gasps. "You've gotta be loaded!"

Midoriya nods, grinning as Shinimi's eyes twinkle. 

You frown.

"You were going to let me spend all of my money on a trip to Tokyo when you're so rich?" You mumble, crossing your arms. "That's low, man. Real low."

He only shrugs. "I might've forgotten. I'm having memory problems, remember?"

You exhale slowly, your frustration melting into a chuckle. "Yeah, yeah. So, where's all of this money you speak of?"

Midoriya taps his temple. "Now that," he smiles, "is another thing I can't remember."

You face-palm while Shinimi hovers around Midoriya excitedly. "So how much?" He asks, his eyes full of wonder, "Were you really that rich?"

"Of course," Midoriya hums, "I can't imagine I spent it on anything, either. Although I do wonder where I hid it."

"Wow!" Shinimi chimes, "I've never held more than twenty dollars in my lifetime!"

"Alright, alright," you laugh, leaning on Midoriya's shoulder, "we'd better stop hanging out in front of this bank. They're probably suspicious by now, especially all this talk of money."

"You're right," Midoriya replies, "but I've been thinking. I probably hid it in my house somewhere. The money, I mean."

"Why would you hide it in your house?" You ask him as you all begin to leave the front of the bank, "Why not a bank or something?"

"I don't know. Although I do remember making big donations to a lot of places," Midoriya says, "like U.A. and some hero agencies."

"I'm not surprised. So," you ask him, "where did you live?"

He grins. "You'll see."

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