51| You're Alive

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"So you're scared that I'll leave you to save the world?"

"Would you?"

"Maybe in your dreams, Darling," he whispers, bring his face close to yours, "but our life is a nightmare, and that means I'll never leave your side."

Midoriya kisses you, his lips hot with passion and his hands roaming your body. You pull away and take a breath.

"We are a nightmare."

"They'll get suspicious," you mutter against Midoriya's lips. He shrugs.

"Let them. We haven't been in here that long."

His hands start to fumble with the hem of your shirt, and your face turns red. You gently take them away from your body.

"Later?" You mumble with embarrassment. "Last night was the final night we booked. We have to be out of the hotel by noon."

Midoriya frowns. "Fine."

You give him one last peck on the lips, and his mouth turns up into a smile.

"How do you want to do this?"

Now that you're all checked out of the hotel room, it's time to figure out the best way to reveal Deku's identity. He's still wearing his hoodie on the streets, though, for safety reasons.

"I told Kirishima that I wanted to meet up with him," Midoriya explains, looking down, "in front of the police department in about twenty minutes. He said he'd bring some of . . . my former classmates."

"Hey," you smile at him, "everything will be fine. This is just the first step."

Shinimi nods, agreeing with a smirk. "Then we can find my brother, answer all our questions, and the streets will be peaceful once again."

"The streets will never be as quiet as they once were," Nakano comments solemnly, "but things will get better."

"As long as no one has to end up like I did." The red-haired teenager says.

"As long as no one has to be treated like I was." Deku grins.

"As long as no one has to be held captive like me." Nakano nods.

You take a breath. "As long as no one has to be overcome by fear, like we were."

" . . . then maybe everything will be fine again." Midoriya finishes, taking your hand.

"All right, let's stop being depressing," Shinimi starts to walk away, "the police station is this way!"

The three of you follow him down the sidewalk, the sun shining down on the city of Tokyo. It's not a long walk, but you're all silent the whole five minutes there.

You stop quite a ways from the station, to where you can see Kirishima and a few others standing at the front and scanning the crowd.

Shinimi nudges your shoulder, nodding at Midoriya, who's standing in front of you.

"He's really nervous," he whispers, "I can feel it."

You furrow your brows, walking up next to Midoriya and taking his hand.

"We're doing this together," you tell him, "don't worry too much."

He plasters a smile on his face, clutching your hand in his. 

Then you walk forward, together, reenacting Midoriya's worst nightmare.

You can only imagine how you all look as you walk up to the police station.

A frightening, tall and muscular Nakano with a serious look on her face, hovering around Shinimi like he needs protection. 

A bright-red haired teenager who is wearing a look of awe and uncertainty, eyes scanning heroes' faces. 

You and the presumed dead hero, walking towards the building with pride, hands interlocked. You glance over at Midoriya; his face is blank.

There are three people standing at the doors of the department, and a police officer is with them.

The first is Kirishima, who welcomes you all with a smile.

The other is a man with glasses and a serious face, who you recognize as the pro-hero Ingenium. He's always serious and quick to get the job done.

Standing at the end of the line is a man with purple hair, flying out in every direction. You don't recognize him, but he seems familiar. 

He speaks first.

"Let's go inside. Don't say a word."

Midoriya nods, letting go of your hand to open the door. You all enter, the heroes and the officer following.

The entire place is empty, as if reserved for this special meeting.

It's completely quiet.

Your eyes dart around the room, your heart starting to pound. Why are you so nervous?

You can't help but think of when the police accused you of killing your brother. 

Everyone sits in a circle, in chairs that are scratchy and make you shift. You watch Kirishima as he speaks.

"This," he explains, "is Officer Mako. We can trust her."

The officer, with long, black hair, nods. She doesn't even smile, just staring at Midoriya, who still has his hood up.

"You know Tenya and Hitoshi already."

Ingenium and the purple-haired man nod at Midoriya, wary of you and the other two.

Their eyes hold a gaze of fear, even when they look at their friend.

"Who are you?"

The purple-haired hero, Hitoshi, leans forward, looking Midoriya straight in the eyes. The former hero stiffens beside you.

"I am Izuku Midoriya."

"Who are they?"

"My friends. I trust them."

They break eye contact, and Hitoshi sighs, looking at Kirishima.

"I just used my quirk," he mumbles, "it's . . . it's really him."

At that, Tenya stands. 

You flinch when he gets closer, putting a hand on Midoriya's shoulder.

"You're really . . . "

A tear falls from beneath his glasses, glinting as it falls.

" . . . you're really alive."

【𝐂𝐑𝐎𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐈𝐑𝐄 • 𝐕𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐃𝐄𝐊𝐔 𝐗 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑】Where stories live. Discover now