The Group Chat + Meme Trio

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Squid: Dream we have a problem

InYourDreams: What?

Squid: So I was hanging out with Cross and Epic.

Squid: And we got to get lunch.

Squid: Reaper was there.

InYourDreams: no.

Squid: Yeah. . .


GeeNo: why do I have a bad feeling about this?

InYourDreams: Ink are you still with them?

Squid: . . . Pls dont be mad

InYourDreams: WHERE ARE THEY!?!?!?

Reaps: Skatepark!!! Im pretty sure Cross is about to break his skull open.


FreshPoof: I am suddenly very worried for Reapers well being.

DannyDecano: Do a flip.

GoneClubbing: DECCY NO

Errrror: Do two flips.

Reaps: Okay!!!


SugarSugar: Im litterally the only mature one here

FreshPoof: Ouch.

SugarSugar: Fresh and I are litterally the only mature ones here.

InYourDreams: Reaper dont let Epic and Cross do that!!!

InYourDreams: Ink youre sleeping on the couch

Squid: :'(

Reaps: I like these guys! Theyre awesome!

Errrror: Inks friend group has yet again abducted one of us. Im gonna go hang with Night.

Errrror has gone offline

FreshPoof: Reaper pleas dont hurt yourself

FreshPoof: Geno would be sad if you died

Reaps: Wow you care so little about me

DannyDecano: Im so proud Fresh!

GoneClubbing: :(

SugarSugar: I retract my earlier statement.

Squid has gone offline

InYourDreams has gone offline

GeeNo has gone offline

Reaps: Uh oh.

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