The Groupchat + JESSIE

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FreshPoof: I adopted a kid.

Errrror: haha

Reaps: excuse me what the funk?

InYourDream: Who did you adopt this time?

GeeNo: Its probably a cat

SugarSugar: maybe he adopted one of the neighbors this time

GoneClubbing: Haha very funny Fresh. You say that like twice a day at least.

FreshPoof: *insert picture of little Jessie and Fresh, with his hospital scrubs on, and adoption papers*

FreshPoof: I wasn't kidding.

FreshPoof: He was being abused.

FreshPoof: Im legally his father.

DannyDecano: FrEsH

GoldenHeart: Holy Shed he actually did it

GoldenHeart: Club fainted


Reaps: Wow.

Reaps: Shocker.

Reaps: With how often he tries to adopt things i expected this

SugarSugar: This is highly amusing

Squid: What did I miss?

Errrror: Fresh adopted a kid for real

Squid: Really!?

Squid: Whats his name!?!?

FreshPoof: Thank you Ink!

FreshPoof: His name is Jessie. Hes 6. And uh. . . Hes kinda Andrew's nephew.

DannyDecano: THE ANDREW!?!?!

FreshPoof: . . . Yeup.

Errrror: He has a nephew!?!?

FreshPoof: yeah. His sister was... uh...

GeeNo: You don't gonna tell us Fresh

FreshPoof: Thanks. . . but yeas she died in a mental hospital. And hia dad was murdered. So he had nowhere to go.

SugarSugar: Bring him by the sweets shoppe. Ill give him free candy.

FreshPoof: :( Thats bad for his health.

GoneClubbing: Fresh, honey, Starlight and one of the loves of my life, I get that you are a doctor and all. But hes a kid. He was abused.

GoneClubbing: LET. HIM. EAT. CANDY.

DannyDecano: So we're just okay with this? We have a kid now!?

FreshPoof: K fine. Ill get him some candy after this shift. Im on call till 9.

Errrror: Wow this iant a prank thos is real

Errrror: excuse me while I shove my head in a blender


GoldenHeart: ERROR NO!

GeeNo: ERROR NO!!!

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