Gen2chat + Twins

105 4 16

Jessie - JESSICA!
Morang - LemonMorang
Goth - GothicLiterature
Paletts - Protecc
Valentine - Cupid
Clover - GirlPower
Seven - SevenUp
Crayola - Crayon

LemonMorang: Okay we always talk about how wholesome Palette is but what about Jess and Clover's brothers?

GothicLiterature: Valid

Cupid: mama Goth validated someone else being wholesome. They are god tier

Crayon: Im very uncomfortable right now

SevenUp: Same here

JESSICA!: dont be. Yall are literally the cutest. Babies of the family :)

SevenUp: *insert smug emoji*

Crayon: Seven im literally his close to throwing hands with you

GirlPower: Liar. You would never.

SevenUp: Its true. You'd never hurt me :3

Crayon: sigh

Crayon: youre right

Protecc: This is a nice change of pace!

GothicLiterature: Crayola and Seven are literal angels. Best people ever besides Palette

Crayon: thank. . . you?

Protecc: its a compliment

SevenUp: i know. i speak Goth.

Cupid: wow imagine not being an only child

Protecc: mood

GirlPower: Valentine you are anything but an only child.

LemonMorang: hes also the only sane one here

JESSICA!: honestly true

Cupid: Thank you. I try.

Crayon: Is this just appreciate twins and Valentine day?

SevenUp: I like he attention. I don't get positive attention.

GirlPower: SeVeN

Crayon: seVEN NO!

GothicLiterature: huh


Crayon: Seven i can and will smother you with kindness

LemonMorang: another example of them being precious

Protecc: dawwww

GothicLiterature: Half this chat is beans, ie Valentine, Palette, and the twins.

GothicLiterature: and the other half, myself Jessie Morang and Clover are insane.

GirlPower: is goth like okay? ahe called himself insane

Protecc: hes fine. Wr were up all night tho.

LemonMorang: *insert lenny face*

Cupid: oh joy here we go again

Protecc: . . ?

Protecc: what?

Protecc: wait...

Protecc: WAIT NO!

Protecc: -//////////////-

GothicLiterature: Morang dad cant save you this time.

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